Sunsets and music…

Another week has come and gone. Rich, Pica and I have done a couple of hikes, usual domestic things and the week seemed to disappear! People ask us what we do, since we are not working, well we don’t seem to have any trouble filling our time, it flies by!

Edwin has been landscaping our yard to give us more privacy, above as it started, and now….

The hedge planted grows thick, high and has gorgeous hibiscus like flowers. Again they just chop of branches from an established tree and stick in the ground, my job is to water them 🙂 . A couple of gates are being put in apparently and more of a hedge where the old gate was, it is going to look great once established!

Friday was market day as usual, and we met up with other expats who have kids in the school. One of the couples, invited a group of us up to their place for supper, and to see the sunset. Their home is high up on the mountain on the other side of town, it has the most incredible views!

By the time we walked home from the market, discovered we had no water because of the landscaping , had to wait to have showers, make something to take to the supper, and had visitors call in, we decided to take a taxi back, as it would have taken us well over an hour to walk there. None of us were too unhappy about a car ride, we had done a lot of walking already that day 🙂

Their drive way is QUITE something and the taxi got stuck trying to turn around at the top, the guys pushed him out as he was worried he would fall off the edge and keep going 🙂

We got there just in time for the sunset…

and had a really fun night 🙂

Saturday was a gorgeous day and I had arranged for a group of us to take the long walk over to the Friends school library. Fifi arrived for breakfast (Rich’s amazing pancakes), Luca a storm trooper, this Fridays face painting 🙂 …

Then Neef and Kendon joined us, and off we went with Pica in tow..

We stopped off at the CASEM for the kids to play and to cool down, it was a really hot day…

then onto the library where Fifi’s Mum, Andrea, and her Mum met us. There was a Frisbee game being played at the school, we knew various people there and one of Luca’s friends Zach joined us on the way back to the CASEM for lunch. The kids ate really well, after all the activity, but played just as hard after lunch once their energy levels restored.

We walked home again, clocking in 13km up and down steep hills by the end of it. Kendon is 5, he did so well, not carried once! Pica was exhausted and put herself straight to bed 🙂

We then had 3/4 of an hour to get organized to get back to the Friends school for the fund raising supper and talent show. Taxi again a must.

Luca’s friend Zach was playing his violin….

and numerous others we know performed, it was a fun night and great to see the hall packed, the community spirit strong.

We were all exhausted, though I have to say, as we collapsed into bed that night!

Sunday was homework and hangout day….

and we went to Andrea and Fifi’s place for supper, another week over. Leche their acquired cat ,(it came with the rental), is pregnant! The kids are already deciding the kitten allocation! Hmmmm…..

This time next week we will be in Guatemala! We have decided to go early as did not want to miss Civic week here, (9-15 September). It is a huge week to celebrate Costa Rica’s independence and we want to join in the festivities.