
I have 3 young guys who call in every week, supplying us with the majority of our fruit. They are so sweet, if a little crazy with the driving of their truck!!!!! This week I had no change, but they gave me the fruit anyway, 3 mangoes, 1 watermelon and 2 pineapple for 3000c ,(about $7 Canadian), and said they would call by later for the money. I guess they do know where I live, but still it was lovely of them!

It was Mothers Day this week and it is a big deal here, as of course it should be 🙂 . The kids put on a performance at school….

We did some activities in the classes, then did a hike to one of the highest viewpoints at the school which is looking back toward where we live, was nice to be able to recognize familiar landmarks…

On Thursday afternoon it was the parent/teacher meeting for grades 5 & 6. I am interested to hear that the concerns expressed in Canada at these meetings, especially about technology, its use in schools, and kids usage, are shared by the parents here. Cell phone use and misuse, a big issue, just as in Canada.

August has been the best month weather wise since we have lived here. I am making the most of it and been washing up a storm using every available area to dry things 🙂 ….

Wednesday was officially Mothers Day and usually a day off school, however they changed the day off to Friday, so the kids could have a long weekend. Our house has been full of kids all weekend much to Luca delight. As we get to know the neighbors the more kids that arrive 🙂
The kids are used to walking everywhere, it means that they get to and from each others homes without parental involvement, it works well for all! Our place seems to be the hang out place, we conveniently have the jungle and field at our back door so that helps I am sure.

Two of Luca’s friends who live just down from us, (that is them down on the field among others), are being brought up by their Grandma, Mayela. She had 6 children and one of her daughters died, so now in her 60’s, she is bringing up her 2 Grandchildren. She is such a gracious, lovely, lady. Although she does not speak English, she is determined that her grandchildren learn, hence they are in Luca’s school, one in Luca’s class. She and I communicate mostly using the translation app, I am hoping with time, I won’t need to rely on it so much, as my Spanish improves!

Rich’s Mum gave us this picture of a Grandmother and Child, I have always loved it and it very much epitomizes how Mayela is with her Grandchildren, I admire her a lot.