
It has been a busy, but fun week.

The first week of school is over and has gone very well. Here are Rich and Luca going over some Spanish after school..

On Fridays before school starts, everyone ,(except high school), meet for a singalong and some action songs. It is lovely, the kids love it, and there are many laughs.

It ends with this song about the school.

Sort of like the school anthem, such a nice way to go into the day. Friday’s are always a 1/2 day, so they have a very relaxed feel to them, if it is possible to feel even more relaxed, in this pura vida lifestyle ๐Ÿ™‚

One thing the school is very strict about is food, and healthy eating. There is a healthy food and minimal waste policy that they really adhere to. This means using recycled containers and wraps, (no single packaged items, including juice boxes etc allowed), and no junk or processed food. A big focus on fruit, vegetables and cooking from scratch. Here is Luca’s lunch this last week.

I change it up, all class rooms have a microwave so beans and rice a regular for him too. I use the beeswax infused cloth wraps ,(thank you Yvette!!!)….

as easily washed and reused. These I have used for a couple of years, so I’m going to have a go at making my own, to replenish my supply….

Interestingly here there is no peanut free policy. No one seems allergic. It makes me wonder about what Costa Ricans do differently, that means this is not an issue here? I have my theories, but it would make for an interesting study. Luca thrilled, up until here he has never been able to take peanut butter to school ๐Ÿ™‚

They realize that the food policy can be difficult for parents for numerous reasons, so they have a plan this year to increase the greenhouse and vegetable garden use. They want the kids to produce and then cook the food for their own lunches on a regular basis. How cool is that!?!

Pica has also had a good week. One of Luca’s “regulars” follows us around whenever he sees us, but has never followed us all the way home. This time he did and he and Pica loved each other. I have not seen Pica play like this with another dog since we lived in Nova Scotia, hence this dog is called Martin the second, after a dog she loved there! They played until both were exhausted ๐Ÿ™‚

This week another expat family arrived, (Andrea and Fifi), and they have moved into our neighborhood. We have helped a little in getting them settled. Luca and Fifi have the love of animals in common, they run between each others houses, into the jungle with Pica, or down to the bakery keeping themselves amused, it is wonderful! Their house came with a cat much to the kids delight! It is currently on the skinny side, I can guarantee this is not going to last ๐Ÿ™‚

Their house also came with a chicken coop so Andrea and I are going to go in on getting some chicks together. Currently we give all our scraps to our landlords chickens…

Having our own means we can eat them ,(if we can convince the kids about this one ๐Ÿ™‚ ), their eggs alone will be worth it, the kids will love it, and we can look after each others animals when border runs need to be done. Perfect! ๐Ÿ™‚

One of our Tico neighbors has invited Andrea and I over for coffee, so I can practice my Spanish! She speaks no English, and she and I have tried hard to communicate since we have lived here, but it has been a struggle. However Andrea is fluent in Spanish so could interpret for us! I introduced them yesterday, and she and I were finally able to say what we wanted to, to each other, it was wonderful! We will set up a coffee date later in the week ๐Ÿ™‚

Last night our other neighbors Neef, Dondie and their 3 kids, came over and we all played football ,(soccer), on the field below our home. They are all good players, so we have a way to go, but gotta start somewhere, and we are hoping it will give Luca the confidence to join his classmates at school ,(who have all played since they could toddle ๐Ÿ™‚ ). We hear there is also an Ultimate Frisbee group started over the other side of town that Rich is keen to try out….

As we head toward our second month we are feeling settled, happy, and embraced by this beautiful community, how lucky are we!!!

Pura vida everyone!