Flood – Spring 2024

It is has been a grim few days. This region of NZ has had a deluge of rain with floods and slipping closing off the city in all directions. The road we usually use to get into town is still closed, slipping onto there has been massive.

This place not far from us, set up on a hill just like we are, (above the main route into the city), it completely gave way as you can see. The family are safe, they got out in time, but the other half of the house gone, so devastating for them.

Friends near were evacuated at 3:30am, it was the start of what was to come. Slips onto the road from the villages into Dunedin on both peninsula’s has meant both sides of the harbor are cut off. It has taken out water lines, those on town supply water have very little, (ironically given the weather), for the foreseeable future and cannot drink what they do have without boiling it. Our water tank so full it is overflowing (it has been nowhere near capacity since we have lived here)!! Rich had thankfully cleared the gutters before this all started and dug our drains out a few months ago. If he had not done this we would have been in big trouble, water run off would have definitely flooded our house.

Our property overall stood up well but still so wet and muddy!!!!!! The poor animals were so miserable…

This all started Thursday and today ,(Sunday), it at last has cleared! The animals all so very happy to see the sun. None of them left this spot for over an hour soaking it up. Sleeping, getting up and eating a little, then back to sleep, everyone clearly exhausted . The pigs, (you can just see to the left) have that little hill that they have hollowed out as the perfect sunny sleeping spot.

The kids have moved between each others houses in a group, enjoying the whole thing immensely of course 🙂 They were here for part of the weekend but moved on to another house last night. Pica and Vida spent most of the last 3 days sleeping, taking turns on Luca’s bed, they both miss him when he is not around…

Rich made the most of the time inside to bake, he has started making bagels and they are absolutely wonderful! Perfect in fact! We all love bagels!

In the midst of the bad weather I discovered another little hidden nest, full of goodies…

The bantams are laying well, I was not sure what to expect, they have surprised me with how many the 3 of them are producing. Although the look small, they are surprisingly big when cracked open.

I am currently ,(fortunately), on leave for the school holidays. We had thought we would go away but we all got sick during the last couple of weeks, Luca recovered quickly, Rich and I not so fast so we decided to stay put. Silver lining in fact, as I would have been so anxious about the farm and animals during this storm if we had been away. Today is the first day that I am finally feeling OK again since I got sick, so very thankful it is coinciding with the return of the sun 🙂

Work has been tiring and challenging for me this year, this break is very needed. My colleagues have been so good at keeping me going. Lots of coffee , baking, wine, flowers and things to keep my spirits up. You know who you are girls, you are so appreciated, beyond words!! For those of you who like the custom made candle, she makes jewellery too! Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/people/Julz-Jewellery-and-accessories/61561197757882/?paipv=0&eav=Afb7WsJnHhfqbdQbU7jVZWTzhtb1f4OJDp0mH0uABiC4BBCEF362YPPZtj4fH6KZ-94&_rdr

Today I have spent in the vege garden, now it will get warm fast and things will take off. I have been itching to get in there!

Tonight asparagus will be on the BBQ for supper 🙂

Speaking of BBQ’s Rich has made do with our old BBQ (which was falling apart) for a good few months now. I splashed out and bought him a new one! It cost $15 and 50 cents!! I was in an early morning auction, I got up early and bid, sooooooooo worth it! Absolute bargain ! Rich loves it. Happy Anniversary baby!!

Roll on summer xxx