June 2024

Rich, Pica and I went hiking yesterday. We walked the Cedar Creek Bullock Track then climbed Mt Cutten. It was a spectacular day! We were pleased we took time out from chores around the property to do it, sometimes that never ending list just needs taking a break from! Here are a few pics from the trail, we both felt quite exhilarated at the end of it , (Pica was exhausted 🙂 )…

It was a long weekend as the country celebrated Matariki.

Dunedin celebrated in style with a drone show. Luca was away most of the weekend with friends, Rich and I went to party on Friday, catching up with lots of people we had not seen in a while, and then out to the drone show on the Saturday. Big weekend for us, we are usually pretty antisocial 🙂

The drone show was the largest to be held in NZ, we were stunned by the crowd, most of Dunedin turned out it seemed! Took us about an hour just to get out of the parking lot when leaving!

We have had so much rain lately, but the weekend weather was lovely and perfect for the celebrations. Luca was there, we caught up with him and his friends briefly, while they were waiting in line for churros, (the food trucks were out in force ! 🙂 )

Rich and I have been working on the front entrance to the property. Even with the sunny weekend weather, the ground was very wet, it made this a little treacherous, but it is slowly coming together..

More photos up completion 🙂

There are two reason for doing this, one to make an attractive entrance to our driveway but also as a second barrier in case of escape. We have been experimenting with electric fencing to feed the grazing animals…

The sheep, pigs and Pica have all touched the fence and none of them have liked it at all! Works well, I picked up the unit second hand from a farmer down south for $60, so far so good!

The ponies I keep in the main paddock, they tend to get overweight fast, so have to watch what they eat. They are not happy with me when I let the sheep and pigs out and look on longingly 🙂

However they get a weekly walk which includes a couple of snack stops, so they are not being neglected, despite what they may try and suggest. A couple of shots from their adventures….


Luca has one more week of school and then it is school holidays again, this term seems to have flown!!! A couple of weeks back was my birthday and Rich has surprised me with a train trip. We are doing that next weekend. I am so looking forward to it, train travel is my favorite mode of traveling! We are going through the center of the south island, fingers crossed there will be some snow!

A friend gave me a matching “metal bird” for the other side of my pole at the fire pit , how amazing do they look together ! 🙂

So June 2024 comes to a close today, it is Canada tomorrow and the celebrations there will be in full force. Thinking of all our friends and family and wishing we were just a little closer xxx