Meet the Boys….

Wilbur, (named by me), and Kevin Bacon, (named by Luca), arrive shortly. Here they are with all their siblings. I asked the owner to hold onto them for a few weeks to allow Kevin Bacon, the runt of the litter, to have a few more weeks of his Mum’s milk. How adorable are they?!!!

The last few weeks have been used by Rich to build the “Pig Palace”, he is almost there.

As usual he has done an incredible job, the animals will all have warm, cozy space to shelter when they need it over the winter months.

Tahi, Rua, Toru and Wha have very much settled in, keeping the pasture under control and generally loving life. Their individual personalities really shining through now. Wha has gone from being so shy and wary, to the one who comes running up to me first .


Apparently they love their view, it is pretty spectacular 🙂

The ponies arrive early June and our little farm will then be almost complete. Yes, I do have a couple of other additions in mind 🙂

Rich’s birthday was a couple of weeks ago. Luca and I took him out for lunch and we have surprised him with a long weekend away to Riverton ,(known as the Riviera of the South – this is said very much tongue in cheek). We head off there next weekend, none of us have been there before. We are all very much looking forward to it, nice to head off again on a new adventure 🙂 The below photos are us out to the birthday lunch at Riverstone. A very interesting place build by a local couple, the restaurant being just one of the buildings on site. The couple also built themselves a castle to live in! Yes that is a moat surrounding it.

Aria is coming to stay to look after all the animals while we are away. Her Mum was down for a week recently staying with us, and was here for Mothers Day. The kids cooked us crepes for breakfast …

and I was very privileged to receive 2 Mothers Days cards this year ♥

The night before was an Aurora ,(seen all over the world). We all gathered on the tree house balcony and Luca got some great shots….

Both he and Aria have assignments and exams, so in between all this was study and homework…

Sam was also over, he and Luca worked on their assignment for history, which involved a diorama. They worked on it for hours. They did such a great job, I was really impressed how well they collaborated, which I guess was a big point of the assignment.

So that has been the last 4 weeks. I am currently home alone, a rare occurrence! Luca in town with friends and Rich gone in to get some more supplies for the “Palace”. The fire is roaring and it feels very peaceful in here, embodied I think by Vida below 🙂