Nature galore…

As I have said, we live right next to a night walk. Most evenings a bus load of tourists arrive around 6pm and are escorted around the numerous trails by guides, (the tour company is owned by the same family that own this home). We barely notice them anymore to be honest, they are all gone by 8pm, and in the jungle most of the time.

Last night though, as the group emerged from the jungle, they stopped just outside our kitchen window and started directing their flashlights into the tree. We were in the kitchen dong the dishes and peered out to see what they were looking at. Right there, hanging outside our window, was a mother sloth and her baby! The baby was so tiny and so cute!!!! We would never have known if it was not for the night walkers! Makes us wonder what else is hanging around our place completely unnoticed by us! Clearly we need to be more observant! ๐Ÿ™‚

I did not get a photo, but for those of you not familiar with sloths, here they are…

One thing we do notice are the bugs! They are extraordinarily beautiful and large. I find it hard to get a photo of them as they move about so fast, but here are some I have managed to:

Every day we put at least 3 of these outside, they are so big and their wing design so intricate …

Today Rich, Pica and I went to explore more trails…

each time we go out, we discover more leading in different directions. Just as we got to back to our place, a toucan flew into the same tree the sloth was in last night, so so pretty! We will be keeping a much closer eye on that tree in future ๐Ÿ™‚ . Once again I was not fast enough to get a photo, but here is what I am talking about…

Shortly after Edwin brought us over a bunch of bananas from his tree. They are so darn tasty!!!!! Rich says they just taste more “bananary” somehow, even Luca who is not a huge banana fan, loves these ones ๐Ÿ™‚

Yes that is a local coconut in the background, we are just trying to work out how to open it! Rich reckons he needs to buy a machete to make him feel like a local, (a lot wander about with one), so that may be how ๐Ÿ™‚

In a previous post I mentioned what our fence was like. They chop down limbs from trees in the jungle, stick them in the ground as posts, they take root and grow leaves, now they are starting to flower, so pretty!!!!!!!

Love it!