Meet the Girls….

Tahi, Rua, Toru and Wha

They have arrived and doing so well! Love their new pasture and come running when we call them (the sheep nuts help 🙂 ) They are Damara/Wiltshire cross, my aim is to put a full blood Damara ram over them. A hardy breed, fully self shedding ,(no shearing involved), lamb easily, great mothers, hardy feet and forage like a goat. We wont be eating these girls as they will be my breeding stock, but the meat is great, tasty and lean for when we do get to that stage with their offspring.

Also these 2 little beauties arrive in a few weeks Sophie and Secret

They needed a home and I could not resist, adorable girls. The kids will love them 🙂 Off to look at some piglets this afternoon, watch this space….

Easter was a great success, all had a great time. The big kids hid the eggs and supervised, there was squeals of delight as eggs were discovered, brought back happy memories of Luca at that age.

Rich was on kid duty, he was exhausted by the end of the day

Luca’s trip to Aoraki was a great success, here he is setting off, full of enthusiasm.

His only complaint upon return ,was it was not long enough. He was pretty darn tired though! Slept for hours, Pica happy to have her bed mate home 🙂

It is school holidays again, Luca friends have been at ours for the last few days, sending them all home today 🙂 They have been having fun, board games, night explorations, Rich’s big breakfasts and of course the den has been completely taken over. They all cram into Luca’s room for sleeping and miraculously they do appear to sleep.

The weather has been spectacular of late, the sunrises amazing, worth getting up for!

The last cruise ship of the season has come and gone…

A daily fire needed now, Vida would sit on top if she could 🙂

The garden production has slowed down, but still a little coming through. My lemon tree just keeps on giving, this is the first season like this, I don’t know what has prompted the burst of fruit, but I am very happy with it.

The potatoes seem ongoing too, popping up in places I did not expect.

Luca has had a list of chores to complete over the holidays, one of them was to help Rich sort the trough out for the animals. We found this old cast iron bath while clearing our property, have no idea where it came from, but had clearly been discarded. Perfect solution for animal hydration! I wanted it a little lower in the ground so the pigs can reach, hence the hole being dug.

One of our friends had a massive house fire a couple of weeks ago , their place is unlivable for the foreseeable future and they are living in a campground cabin until another house can be sorted for them, (2 adults and 3 kids). Devastating! I can’t even imagine the stress of it all. It has reinforced how quickly things can change, that you never know what is around the corner. They and their animals made it out alive, they are so grateful for this, while in the midst of putting their life back together. Everyone is doing what we can to help, but it is not us having to go through it, I so admire their fortitude.

Luca is reading To Kill a Mockingbird for English this year. It had such a profound effect on me when I read it, many, many years ago! Harper Lee, one of my literary heroes ,(as I know she is of many). We have agreed, once he finishes the book, we will have a family movie night and watch the movie.