Daily life…

Wild flowers are a regular forage on my walks, so plentiful and spectacular! They brighten up every room in the house, even the little ones, with very little effort and no cost….

As usual this time of the year brings us some very hot days, great spots for swimming surround us, we are very fortunate…

I have been going in for a swim more than usual, never last as long as Rich and Luca, but it is so refreshing!

Rich took Luca and a bunch of friends up to Bucklands Crossing just before school started, I was at work but heard all about it upon their return, a great time had by all. I came home to tired, happy, hungry kids. Now we have more space, there are more kids at a time for sleep overs. Having a house with rooms when you have teenagers is very advantageous we have found 🙂 I don’t think we will even take having a house with rooms for granted ever again!

Speaking of school, Luca has officially started Senior High and off to a positive start. We are still in disbelief he is old enough for high school, let alone Senior High! His assignments have already started and so far he is enthusiastic about them, long may that last!!!!

My Mum and Dad came to stay with my brother for few days and popped over the hill to see us. They have not seen Luca since he was 9, he has grown a bit since then !

It was not planned, but so nice for Luca to see both sets of his grandparents within weeks of each other. He was able to help Dad out with some of his phone issues and we even got Mum up into his tree house to take in the views 🙂

Produce is coming thick and fast from the garden now, I spent this morning up there preparing for the next plantings and doing some harvesting.

My citrus trees doing well this year, has taken them a while to get established but they have made it. I picked 3 perfect limes recently.

With the extra hot days ,(recently we got to 31 degrees celsius !) , Vida and Pica have been exhausted, each take a couch and stretch out, it’s important they feel relaxed 🙂

We have finally got around to accepting the quote and booking the fencer!! This has been such a long process because the house build took much longer than expected, but all going to plan the fence should be done by the end of this month. I have the sheep and pigs all picked out to add to our little menagerie. As long as they don’t take up space on the couch, I think Pica and Vida will be fine with the additions 🙂

Black and Blue have turned out to both be pullets which is fortunate, I need more hens. They are fully independent now and turning into good looking Orpingtons, curious, happy girls. They will be laying in the next few months.

My first honey harvest is coming up. Very exciting!! Rich has had a couple more run ins with them while attempting to clear around the hive, I keep telling him to wait for the rain to do it ,(bees don’t like to fly in the rain). White vinegar has been used in abundance for the stings 🙂 Some of the honey will be used to pay back preserves that have been coming my way from others. I love that I have a little community of women around me who do this. If we all encourage and embrace the bartering way as normal again, it would go a long way to help with the current cost of living crisis. Yesterday this was waiting on my work desk, how lucky am I to have these women in my life!