School holidays…

“Little Snowy”

Well we have had an interesting start to the school holidays. There was a polar blast that hit NZ and went up the entire country. It meant the largest snowfall we have had since living here.

In the car heading to work…
The above and below photos taken from the kitchen window…

Our road was closed, as were all the main roads, but we managed to get out and Rich drove me to work.

Rich and the kids spent the day sledding and building snowmen, they had so much fun. Luca so so happy to have snow again. He and Ted of course got sopping wet sledding, but will remember this snowfall, not had one like it for years apparently, and not likely to for another few years.

Then the next day it was like this, such is Otago in the spring , hard to believe the difference 24 hours makes 🙂

and now the view from the kitchen window…

The weather has been like that lately. A couple of weekends ago we hiked this…

Always in the past it has been a day like this when we climb it, but this time it was covered in fog. We would not have attempted, if we did not know the way well, you could easily get lost in this.
Luca did some geocaching

His entry from the last time we were up here in February.
You can always tell Pica is tired when she tucks in behind like this when we are walking. The fog gave an eerie feel to the walk , Luca’s imagination was running wild the entire time 🙂 At our place there was no fog at all and we spent the early evening relaxing. Daylight saving has started so the days feel so much longer , it is so good coming home from work in the daylight these days!

The first weekend of the school holidays the boys had planed a Star Wars movie marathon, Ted was over early Saturday and off they went for supplies ,(food), and then it was up to the tree house to begin.

That view never ceases to amaze us 🙂

When I saw the supplies I wondered if they would pace themselves, as there seemed to be a heck of a lot of sugar involved! By dinner they passed by the house briefly to go and pick up take out from the village and all seemed well. Rich and I had a lovely evening and at around 9;30-10pm we get a text…”Ted is puking over the balcony but he wants to stay” I thought hmm lets give it a few more minutes, sure enough….. “Ted is still puking I have never seen so much come out of someone!!!!”. I said OK well he needs to go home to sleep it off and you can try again next weekend.

We took him home and after a good sleep he was back the next day. Then this weekend they tried again, they have arrived down here and it was a much more successful night. We took them for a short hike yesterday which broke up the day and got them some fresh air, plus they were much more sensible in their food intake, sometimes you just have to let it happen and they learn themselves when it comes to overdoing limits 🙂

It was Rich and my wedding anniversary ,(16 years!) ,on Friday it was lovely to have another evening to ourselves, so actually it all worked out for the best, funny how these things do.

The tradition of puzzle making during the school holidays has continued. Rich gets them from the op shops, he and Luca, (and now Ted), enjoy them a lot…

I was worried about my vege garden with the snow, but it seems it came through without issue, including the tomatoes – phew!

Last night I harvested our first lot of asparagus of the season, delicious! It is my favourite vegetable and I am so happy to be able to grow them, this is the 3rd year and the first real harvest , up until now it has only been 1-2 stems.

After a hearty breakfast….

the kids are out on the deck dismantling electronics, (not entirely sure what they are building, but it is keeping them busy). No doubt they will head up to the tree house later. It is hard to beat these wonderful lazy Sunday’s…

Aria is due over soon too, she comes here between assignments and exams, can’t believe she will be soon be finishing her 2nd year of University!

I started this post with a snowman, so will end with one and a little nostalgia. Luca and his “Dada” snowman, (with Rich’s glasses, hat and a scarf from Peru where Rich and I met ).

Koru Acres (Manitoba) – our sweet boy 🙂