Climbing day…

Yesterday we headed off to do some climbing. Luca has always loved to climb, even from before he could walk. Rich and I found him climbing up a ladder once, onto the roof, before he was one! We learned fast to lie ladders down after we used them!

We went to the grove near the school that has wonderful climbing trees.

This is Rich climbing inside the one Luca was climbing in a previous post, Rich was determined to do it too 🙂

him right at the top, you can barely see him…

a close up to prove he is there 🙂

then onto the next tree..

This one so so so cool! Also so so so high!!!!!!! You can just see Rich and Luca up there…you just don’t want to think too much about it as Luca scrambles up!

close up…

While doing this Pica was exploring the area and disturbed a family of Coati’s, much to the delight of the others that were there as they had not seen any before.

It was a great place to meet people, lots of very interesting folk traveling about. One of the most enlightening things, being a off the cuff comment made by an English girl I was talking to, about the word Pica. It means in Spanish something along the line of “she stings (bites)!”. This explains a lot!!!!!! Rich and I had both noticed some strange looks, people moving quickly aside and children looking alarmed when I call out to Pica!

Hence, we are making the effort to use her whole name now when we call her 🙂

We also called into the school to get Luca into next weeks camp, he really wants to go back. This one will have a lot more local kids, last weeks camp had a lot of international kids only here for a few weeks. It will be a good opportunity for Luca to meet some more kids who will be going to the school, or living close to us.

While there he wanted to show us the school vege garden where he was planting tomatoes last week, his is looking very healthy!

We headed home after a long, tiring, but happy day 🙂

Pica was exhausted, put herself to bed as soon as we got home and did not even rise for supper, truly unheard of for her! She is having a easy day today!