Fathers Day in lockdown

It was Fathers Day this last Sunday, we did our usual hike, and pampered Rich as much as we could given the lock down circumstances. Luca made him breakfast in bed. Our girls are producing eggs at an increasing amount so they are often on the menu ๐Ÿ™‚

We have continued on with the landscaping projects, with a little help from the girls…

When things go quiet, I know where to find these two……..”taking a break” ๐Ÿ™‚

Lunch always a highlight of the day ๐Ÿ™‚

Luca making the most of the slippery conditions….

He and I finally got around the planting the avocados that Rich grew from seed over the last year or so, they are a good size now and it was time. Not expecting fruit, but the tress will be lovely if they survive, fingers crossed!

Speaking of planting, the vege garden has been sorted for the spring….

I boost the soil in the fall and spring, and although the worm farm doing well, it is not yet producing enough for the size of our garden so I got some worm castings in. I also add ash from our fireplace in the garden to a lot of the beds and fruit trees. Not everything likes ash but most do. In the fall I used horse and sheep poo from the local farmers to top the beds up. They put bags of it at the ends of their drives and payment is on a honestly basis, so convenient! ๐Ÿ™‚

The “worm tea” from the worm farm goes on regularly too….

Luca dug up all the potatoes and we washed them, they will see us through until the next lot grow…

School work is still being done, and often Luca finds other projects he likes to do as an extra. He is into map making and made this one using corn kernels to make the initial land mass and then drew from there, pretty cool we thought….

On the really wet days we get out the board games, Luca LOVES family board game days. Guess who won this one ๐Ÿ™‚

Cardboard boxes and the old go cart have been used extensively. Pica and Luca have so much fun!

Vida has been busy bringing us home gifts! This is one of four this week! We don’t have vermin issues and clearly it is thanks to her!

Bird wise this year we are excited to have more and more. Included in these are pair each of Rosella, Tui and Kereru, so lucky!!!!!!!

We go to level 2 tonight, (except for Auckland), the restrictions have made a difference and so far we have no community cases in the south island at all. During level 3 I have been going into the clinic to see emergency cases only, but as of tomorrow I will be back to full time again. Luca goes back to school on Thursday. Tomorrow he and Ted have plans ๐Ÿ™‚

The initial plans for the extension have gone to the builder and we will see how that goes.

We plan to do a lot ourselves but need help with the steel construction We know, given what is going on in the world, that it could take 12-18 months. Currently the industry is severely under resourced both in materials and labour, and there is a huge demand for building. We need to be patient….

We have just had the warmest winter on record and had some beautiful days, this morning was lovely but this afternoon it has started to rain and looks like we are in for a cold spell, I have put on the fire for the first time in days. Luca took this cloud formation from his tree house,pretty cool!

This was taken by a local on one of our recent clear evenings…..

and another of the village itself…

our property line starts at the top left corner of this photo.

Such a beautiful place to live, with or without lock down ๐Ÿ™‚ …..