Look what happened :)

On the last day of the school holidays I was going to give Luca a hair trim, turns out that he had been contemplating a change for a while and this is what it turned into…

It makes him look so grown up! He loves it and so do we!

So school is back and it makes the weeks fly by. It was Rich’s birthday on the 6th and we celebrated well this year ,(last year we were in lock down). Luca had made him a stand for his phone with a metal “R” , along with a metal tool box, very cool!

Rich doing amazing things with the Tree house, it is difficult to remember what the area looked like when we moved in. I pulled up some of the before photos that I took as we cleared the garden and fire pit area ….

I took the below photos this morning, such a better use of the space……

The roof is going on this week and Rich sorting some insulation and railing for around the deck…..

Bit by bit I am planting more native trees and plants on the property in those areas we have cleared, it was Mothers Day last weekend and Luca gave me the perfect gift…

The days draw in fast now and it is dark by the time I get home from work. Snuggling by the fire watching TV after dinner is such a nice way to end the day when it is dark and cold outside. Sometimes I think we need a bigger couch then I realize, nope, this is how they like it 🙂

Luca was at the Otago University Zoology Department last weekend for a talk with a zoologist about native reptiles, he LOVED it. It was organized by the Kiwi Conservation Club that he is a member of, it has made him more determined that ever to follow that path.

With winter here spiders have made themselves more and more at home inside, I clear them out regularly but there is one in the bathroom that Luca has name Shelob, I am not allowed to move her, apparently she keeps him company in there! Anyway I have set the limit at ONE pet spider , as lovely as she is! 🙂

Even though the days are short, for the most part we are having blue ones. My folks sent us the metal Morepork, (Ruru), that I put up at the fire pit area, it looks wonderful against a deep blue sky….

For those who are unfamiliar with a Morepork, they are a small brown owl found throughout NZ. Their call makes the sound “more pork” hence the name 🙂

Here is what they look like in real life, such lovely little birds..

Until next time… xx