A celebration…..

The old shed has come up really beautifully. Actually it was used as a stable for the horses they used to run on this land before the people we brought it from, took over. We can still see how it was set up for that . The clearing to the right is the start of the trail that Rich has made, it leads down to the rail track and then across to the village and closer to Luca’s school. I recently found out that there was a station platform on the flat piece of land down the bottom of the trail, where people would catch the train that runs to Dunedin. There is talk of opening up the rail again for regular service not just the current tourist travel. I love rail travel, it would be so great if they did!

The Piwakawaka ,(fantail), on the shed seemed fitting…

as this area of the property has a large population. One in particular we have named Jeff, he is a very friendly, busy, loud little fellow ๐Ÿ™‚

We are still in level 3, so isolated in bubbles, but there is talk of next week the level dropping to 2. People are struggling. A lot of my families were finding it hard to make ends meet prior to COVID , with not being able to work, coming into winter and the heat bills rising, things are grim for a good proportion of the population in my caseload. I had to find formula for a family this week as they were needing to make a decision between heat or food for their kids, I found some and got it to them, but they ended in hospital anyway with one of the kids, and I know it is food related . On the other end of the spectrum I have families that are enjoying this time together because their lives are normally so frantic, this is the first time they have been forced to slow down , reconnect with each other and realizing just how much it benefits them all . Those are the lucky ones, the ones that have jobs to go back to, or have been ,(like me), still been able to work. I am heartened that the community is stepping up as much as they can to help others. I was contacted by someone yesterday who has a group of farmers wanting to donate meat to families in need. I see the need only growing, so for me to have access to this sort of generosity is wonderful.

Here on the home front we trucking along in our little routine. Homeschooling is going well, Rich has really got a rhythm going, and they just get on with it around my consults throughout the day.

Pica and Vida very happy to have us all together all the time, and chill out while we all work.

Pica though knows what happens when the work/school day ends ,(a walk around the trail). I swear she can tell the time now, and lets us know if we are running behind in the daily schedule! After stressful days being able to get up here is wonderful, and not something I take for granted.

We had a milestone to celebrate this week. Rich turned 60!!!!!! We plan more elaborate celebrations in the future, but for now kept it simple. Futomaki, (our favorite local Filipino/Japanese restaurant), has just started to be able to offer take out under tight restrictions. Last night we had it for Rich’s birthday, it was so delicious, we had not had it for months! He was also able to talk with all his family on the day, which was really, really nice. Good to know all his family are doing OK in Canada during this time, albeit with some changes in their day to day. Rich and I find it hard to believe we are the ages we are ,(I turn 50 shortly), you blink and the years disappear. We are super mindful to try and focus on the here and now, and appreciate all we have, which is so very, very much.

Luca has been so well and healthy since the moment he came out of the respiratory virus he had back in Nova Scotia. That COVID is a respiratory virus, and has the same effect on the lungs as the virus Luca had, has made us extremely nervous. Ever since we became aware of it, our stress levels around it have been high, as don’t want Luca getting it until a vaccine found. Staying in our little bubble, even with its challenges, has meant his exposure is extremely unlikely, we are really grateful for this, and so do feel tentative about the next steps as we move down level restrictions.

The board games continue ….

On the weekends we continue to clear areas..

The vege garden still producing well

Rich’s Avocado trees doing amazing!!!!! Hard to believe these grew from avocado’s we ate. Rich so happy with the success he has another 2 incubating ๐Ÿ™‚

We have discovered recently we definitely have 2 Roo’s, (Raptor and Feathers), they have even started have crowing in the morning, gave Pica a heck of a fright the first few times ๐Ÿ™‚ They have grown into beautiful representatives of the breed and lovely mellow boys. Though I do suspect as they grow older one will assert his dominance and we may have to re home the other but we will see.

The leaves are really falling now, not many left to go. Our evening walks are done just on dusk now as the days close in and it is fully dark by 6pm now.

Pikelets are a real Kiwi thing, but not something living in Canada we did, however a great thing for kids to make. Luca was introduced to them at a friends place here and loves them!!!!!!! He has taken to making them. We are not complaining, they are VERY tasty!

Rich and I find we cannot fill Luca up, he eats so much food, it is like he has hollow legs , we don’t know where it goes, he is constantly eating. We have noticed how long his legs are now though, at this rate he will taller than me by Christmas! He and I already fit the same size shoe ๐Ÿ™‚

We have had rain, but not enough, we have restricted our showers to every 2-3 days, as do not want to need to get water in over the lock down. With things looking like they may get looser next week, we may get a load of water in, we will see. It is a hard one we LOVE the sunny , blue, clear days ,(another one today), but also appreciate the rain so much when it comes…..