Fall in full swing….

Tomorrow, the country moves from level 4 shutdown to level 3, for us it means not much change really, but for a limited number of businesses it means they can open under strict rules. We have not been into Dunedin since the 25th of March, Luca and I have not been into Port since then either, only Rich has gone to our local 4 Square for groceries 3 times. Rich is hoping the lumber store opens to get building materials, but on the whole we will continue on as we have been.

Things like haircuts I have done for us all for a few years now, it was haircut time recently. I find Luca’s the hardest to do, getting it all even, it was way easier when he had short hair, but I am getting better at it ๐Ÿ™‚

Fall is here and the leaves are changing, it is so, so pretty. The evenings are clear and starry. One night at about 10pm we all went out and lay on the trampoline and marveled, then did some jumping in the dark ๐Ÿ™‚

The above trail leads to our property through the graveyard to the village. It is one of 2 trails we have, Rich made one that goes down the other side of our land by the shed, it hidden from site and an easier way for Luca to get to school. In usual circumstances this graveyard is rarely visited by people, the main one up the road is the one people go to. However with lock down people are out walking WAY more, discovering this trail and therefore our place, a lot of locals had not known about it previously. This has meant people wander through our property because it is a clear path, not aware it a private property and not part of the green space. I have a few issues with this especially as we get more animals and people tend to leave gates open etc. So Luca made up this sign for the gate over Easter and it has worked a treat ๐Ÿ™‚

The below photo is looking down on the main graveyard that is around by Carey’s Bay, this is the one still in use and about 3 times the size of our one. It is about a 10 minute walk from our place

We had some high winds lately and some trees came down. This is a windfall for us, the wood from it will help full our shed, and Rich thinks some can be used for the tree house too, so the boys have been at it…

The shed we plan to full with wood on both sides eventually be for now we use the right side for the work shop and the left for wood

Luca learning to split wood ๐Ÿ™‚

I love fire season, and so do Vida and Pica, so cozy ๐Ÿ™‚

The boys complain that I like it too hot !! Here we are playing monopoly….

By the end of the game the boys had stripped off! Granted this fireplace does pump out the heat, it was put in anticipating it would need to heat a larger space eventually and we feel very reassured it will ๐Ÿ™‚

Deployment has started at my work, but so far I have not been called up. It will depend what happens with the virus, if numbers increase again.

Working and schooling from home is going OK. Luca sometimes has to work in the tent area if he has a virtual classroom call in, or face timing with mates and I am doing a consult. I have had to do a consult from the toilet if it is raining out and our timetables clash, but on the whole it is doable ๐Ÿ™‚ Occasionally though it all gets too much and stress levels rise, we hit the trail when that happens to get some perspective….

We all realize just how fortunate we are in comparison to so many!

It is ANZAC weekend here ,(same as Remembrance Day). The lock down has meant no parades or gatherings , but people still showed their respect. Someone in the village was playing the bag pipes , The Last Post, to commemorate and it was heard by all on a clear, blue morning yesterday, very moving. Here are Luca and Pica sitting and listening to it….

The somber moment was timely, as we think of Nova Scotia at this time, there has been a mass shooting with at least 22 dead. This is impacting the province significantly, already suffering so much under the strain of COVID, the loss and grief of this on top, is horrific. Our thoughts are with you xx