Week one of shutdown…

NZ is in lock down because of COVID and has been since Wednesday at midnight….

This time last week we were at the beach and Luca was swimming. So happy we did, as we are not supposed to be in our cars now except for getting food and medicine, or need to get to a job that is considered essential.

Long Beach is always a great place to explore, different every time we go…

beach combing…

Luca came across this, obviously blown in from somewhere

He wanted to take it home of course, but I said leave it for others to play with and maybe the owner will come looking for it
and in he goes, fully clothed of course , Pica looking on anxiously….

We did some exploring in the bushed area around the beach. This is Luca’s favourite beach because of this, beach and bush his best combination ๐Ÿ™‚

drying off by the fire pit ๐Ÿ™‚
lots of these little toadstools everywhere. They look like they have come right out a fairy tale book.

It was the last trip there in a while….

I am working from home and doing my consults via the phone which is tricky but doable, requires a little bit of flexibility but working remarkably well. The idea is to keep people out of the medical system as much as we can. Means my phone is now on 24/7, but hearing the gratitude from Mum’s who are having health issues with their babies and children, reassures me that we are doing it right.

My boss is talking of deploying me if things get worse out there, and I have agreed if only they find me somewhere else to live, I cannot risk bringing this home to the boys. There is no where for me to isolate myself in this one room from them. So I will be putting it off as long as possible, and hopefully it won’t need to happen! This is my workspace currently…

Rich and Luca do schooling in the morning and then hit the property in the afternoon. We have fallen back into the old homeschooling routine and Rich is doing such a great job at it, and handling everything else around here while I work.

We have discovered an old trail up the top of our property that needs clearing out and so the boys have been doing that. Such amazing spot and takes as about 45 minutes to do the entire loop so perfect for this time of isolation! Luca is pretty in love with it.

Lots of cut back required
Luca giving the machete a good work out ๐Ÿ™‚
The views are just lovely….

Pica is loving all the exercise and falls exhausted into bed at night…

To be fair they all are ๐Ÿ™‚

The weekends still have lazy starts to the day ๐Ÿ™‚

The chooks are all doing well, Luca hangs out with them and they hang with us, the “chicks” would still quite happily be inside with us, or at least snuggling with Luca on the couch, but I really feel we have quite enough of us living inside at the moment, so I politely ask them to leave ๐Ÿ™‚

Yesterday we spent the morning making plum jam and apple sauce as don’t want these to go to waste .

Rich braved it and went to our local 4 Square to shop, first time in over 2 weeks. We are not going into the city at all for the foreseeable future. The little village here is pulling together and making sure that people are being taken care of and the local store is well supplied, at the moment there is no shortage of things. They have crosses marked out on the floor where people can stand a rigorous cleaning routine in place after each customer. We plan to need to go a couple of times a month to top up so should be right for a while.

In the afternoon we went back up to the new trail…

There are lots of cool things to be found up there that we look up and learn about…

This is Golden Polypody or Rabbit’s-foot Fern (those are spores on the underneath of it)
Tree fungi never ceases to amaze ..
These are rose hips and they are plentiful up there. Rich says we can use them if supplies run short to ward off scurvy! ๐Ÿ™‚ This is something he learnt on the school camp, the Chinese gold miners use this for exactly that reason.

Today we are heading into the garden to do some work and Rich is doing some baking. I have a few work things to do ,but all going to plan not much. Tomorrow will be a busy day so today we are lucky enough to be able to relax. The evenings are drawing in and most nights lately the skies are clear. We have had one day of lots of rain which helped our tank and garden, but mostly the days have been lovely, so feeling very, very lucky!

Love Maggie Vandewalle’s work ๐Ÿ™‚

Stay safe everyone…