One of my favorite authors, I discovered him in my early 20’s and think I have read every ones of his books. Kinda timely this quote I think……………

Crazy times we are living in as this virus reeks havoc.

Here in NZ, things are shutting down fast, the government working hard to be as proactive as possible. Huge impacts unfold with each decision that is made. If feel for our Prime Minister, she is judged on each move she makes, but I think doing an admirable job during this crisis, and truly has the nations best interests at heart.

Work for me is, as you would expect, very busy!!!!! The government has put out a “call to arms” to all Drs, nurses and medics, even the retired and semi retired are being called up to help in a system already under strain, and COVID has not yet reached community transmission here, although realistically it is only a matter of time. We on the front line are in preparation mode for what we know is coming, hours are long and arduous, but I am heartened to see the healthcare workers around me pulling together so well. The team I work with are incredible.

If you look for the joy in the every day, you will find it. I was driving up the peninsula this week at sunset, wondering why cars were parked up and people pointing, when I saw them, a huge pod of dolphins making their way up the harbor. They were putting on a wonderful display for us all. This is one of the many reasons I am so happy we have made this place home for a while, the nature around us is continually inspiring and uplifting. Particularly needed at the moment ๐Ÿ™‚

Rich and Luca had a wonderful if exhausting time at camp!!! Their very first true Kiwi school camp experience was a success!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Otis and Luca on the bus heading for good times ๐Ÿ™‚

This is Camp :

Pretty cool setting isn’t it?!!!!!! Rich said it was crazy trying to keep track of 40 odd kids, keep them fed and safe, so as you can image not too much sleep was had!!!!! Rich had kitchen duty one night and cooked a massive pasta bake, Luca says it was the best meal of the week, go Rich!!!!!!!!!

Mahe, Samaya, Logan and Otis, part of Lucas posse ๐Ÿ™‚

Mahe, Samaya and Luca on a hike (in a hut somewhere )
This is the Haast Eagle, it was alive during the same time as the Moa and one of Luca favorite birds of NZ. This is the actual size of one, impressive eh?!!!!!!
Bus trip on one of their numerous outings (Mahe and Luca)
Panning for Gold in our goldfields and yep, he found some! Luca says this was a big highlight for him, learning about the gold fields and then finding some (flecks but still!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ).
He is rather taken with archery and would like to take some lessons, something we will look into when activities can happen again….
He was a little apprehensive of the abseiling but it did not stop him !
They swam a lot apparently, in numerous spots. Rich said they ran the kids all day in the hope they would sleep. Of course it took until the night before they came home for that to happen and in the morning they had to drag the kids out of bed to get them on the bus home

The exhaustion is apparent ๐Ÿ™‚

I arrived home to both boys full of stories of good times, but so happy to be home too ๐Ÿ™‚

The animals had been a bit put out by our change in routine, and were very pleased to have things back to normal!!!!

I had not been in the garden the week the boys away so we did a big harvest

It is still going strong and we have staggered the planting so hope to have produce going right through winter.

Rich discovered this week some of the pears were ready. We have two trees, one is ripening before the other which is handy!

Blackberries are still ripening around us. Here are Luca and Ted getting at this bush before Rich cut it down!

Luca recently discovered a video on YouTube that he did not know was made. It was his friends in Newfoundland, saying goodbye, upset that he was leaving, he said it made him sad and happy at he same time. He has suitcase full of memories of our travels and the friends he made along the way, here he is sharing them with Ted ๐Ÿ™‚

We are feeling fortunate to have this home and few acres to hunker down on. The boys are self isolating more and more, no longer go into the city, and I sanitize well before I come in the house.

However we can still climb trees,

grow avocado trees, (Rich’s pride and joy ๐Ÿ™‚ )

make yummy meals,

have adventures and find cool stuff….

Keep safe and well everyone xx