
As of today we are officially a, “do not own a vehicle family”. We sold our mighty stead, and have rented a car for the last 10 days.

It was sad to say goodbye to her, I think because we brought this car off Cathy and Jim, and she always reminds me of them.

Pica not impressed at all with the rental car, thinks it smells odd and I had to convince her to get in, though she remains very dubious! I have not actually told her we are moving yet, but she has her suspicions I can tell 🙂

The car was our last sale of “things”. We have done it, sold everything but what will fit into our suitcases! I was saying to a friend today, it is one thing to talk about it and quite another to go through with it. It was absolutely traumatic at times, more than I anticipated, but we all feel a freedom in it. Now we are out the other side it feels good, there is a lightness to it. We have kept some things that remind us of people and places but a lot of our stuff was just that, stuff. I hope we are MUCH more mindful in our accumulation of things in the future. That is the aim anyway!