
As we had the house all sorted, and were spending a bit more time at home, I took Luca to the SPCA. He was determined to find a kitten. There were a lot to choose from, so so adorable! We checked out all the cages and in the adult cage this happened….

Luca fell in love immediately. I was hesitant as I did not want him changing his mind once he got home, as he had been very set on getting a kitten. So I said we will put a hold on her and you can think about it overnight. Reluctantly he left her there.

The next day, photo says it all really….

There were even more kittens the next day but Luca was determined. So home she came. We have called her Vida, (“life” in Spanish), it seemed appropriate, Pura Vida being our favorite saying in Costa Rica, and it is a new life we are giving her. She has quite a different personality to Kea, (who we all still miss desperately), but is quickly endearing herself πŸ™‚

They are very happy together πŸ™‚

Now we just have one more family member to join us and we will be complete again. This was sent to me last week, out girl waiting and waiting for us to come get her…

Look at that face!!!!!!!!

I am working through the process bit by bit, there are a lot of bits that have to fall into place and people to coordinate with. NZ customs, our transport agent, our vet in Vancouver, airlines and the quarantine place. There are all sorts of vaccines she has to have at very specific times and the paperwork is overwhelming. It is not cheap. Will cost about $7000 by the time we get her here. Rich reckons she is the most expensive dog in the world πŸ™‚ Our aim is to have her here by May.

We have been having some lovely weather and have been making the most of it. Firstly tidying up the garden, which had not been touched in a very long time it seems.

We also wanted to make the most of the days before Luca started school, so have been hiking and swimming in the rivers….

in the ocean….

and in the pool….

One of our best hikes so far is known as the “Organ Pipes”, quite the climb , but quite the view!

Sitting on top of the organ pipes
Those are the organ pipes at the top of the photo

We have been hearing from friends in Costa Rica. Mayela sent this photo of her and the boys this week, (these are the ones Rich and I used to help with their English). I am so happy she wants to keep in touch, really helps me with my Spanish too, as all our communication done in Spanish.

We miss those faces !

Also Purr has officially moved in with our friends down the road. They have now acquired 3 cats since living there πŸ™‚ . Luca so happy that Purr is happy , healthy and being looked after.

We are adjusting to living back in a home again and doing domestic things. I found an old sewing machine for $45 at the op shop ,so I can at last fix things that have needed fixing in a while πŸ™‚

Rich is back to trying to grow an avocado…..

It all seems a bit complicated for me, I would just throw it in some soil but Rich reckons this is the way to go πŸ™‚ .

We convinced ourselves it got cold enough one night and lit the fire! Really we just wanted to see if it worked and we all love that cozy feeling a fire gives πŸ™‚

There is a walk we try to take daily from our house, known locally as the “back beach”, so lucky to have this on our doorstep and one of the reasons we were drawn to this area….

Rich has his eye on one of those boats!!!!!

The other exciting thing that happened this week is…….Luca started school!!!!

Off for his first day in a Kiwi school….

It has all gone very well, he tells us he really likes it. He has brought a new friend home each night, and has plans with other new friends set up for the rest of the week. This was him heading off to school the 2nd day, he met up with someone that lives just up the road and off they walked to school together, it is about a 10 minute walk.

When did he get so tall and lanky!!!!!!!

We are so happy and relieved. It is still quite the culture shock, despite the same language being spoken, things are done quite differently here, but there is a lot of emphasis on physical activity and creativity throughout the day and this suits very very Luca well. Seems our “world learning” approach this last year has not harmed Luca’s academics either, his teachers says he is doing great. So for those contemplating taking some time out from mainstream, it is our experience, that if anything,it is helped Luca academically, not been detrimental.

3rd Harry Potter book….

Today is Waitangi Day in NZ, a national holiday. It is the day we celebrate the treaty between the Maori and Pakeha. There are celebrations being held in town, we are heading off there, so until next post….xx