That couch!

Yesterday we had a huge selling day! Exhausting but profitable 🙂

We went from the lounge looking like this to empty.

We still have more to sell!!!! It never ceases to amaze us how much stuff we have, and we considered ourselves pretty minimalist, ha! Clearly not!!!! Big garage sale soon…

Someone brought our couch. I thought we would take it onto the deck as I remembered we had trouble getting it into the house, so maybe we would have trouble getting it out. UNDERSTATEMENT! Took Rich and I, 1 and 1/2 hours to move a single couch outside, 2 doors had to be removed! Luckily the buyer was late picking it up!

The offending piece of furniture, she will be remembered and is very lucky to be in one piece, I was threatening the axe 🙂

When we decided Rich would finish work 6 weeks before we flew out, we thought, that will be plenty of time, we will have so much time to do other things! Hmmmm, turns out it is going to be just enough! Even with me not working for weeks prior, there are just so many little things to do and a lot has to be left until the last couple of weeks, the time just disappears.

For those of you contemplating doing a move like this, don’t underestimate the time you will need to organize it! Make a list and work through it, so many things get added as you go along, it seems like you will never get there, just keep plodding through.

The other thing is when you downsize as much as we are doing, you need to have about 3 goes at it, taking more away each time and practice pack, super important, scales needed for the weight limit!!!!! It has been tough to let go of some things, and I really am not sentimental when it comes to things, so I can only imagine how for others, this would be quite the challenge and somewhat traumatic.

After our 6 suitcase limit ,(and Pica’s crate is considered a suitcase), we get charged $250 a bag (we are using Air Canada), we look at it like this, is that extra suitcase worth $250 to us. Our answer is no, but of course everyone has varying degrees of attachment to things, so may well be worth it for some, but this is why we have the luggage count we do, it was not just a random number we picked 🙂

Today has been more selling and sorting, and oh the car, yep just as we put it on the market, random lights started showing up, so off to the mechanic it has gone, we are awaiting the costing, will brace ourselves….good thing that Rich not at work as I sold his truck a couple of weeks ago! 🙂