It’s that time of the year :)

Rich and I have just got back from a hike. Such a lovely day, a good “washing drying” day.

Some views from our wander…

Luca not long home, he has been away celebrating Hanukah with his friends, he is very tired, but very happy.

Last weekend was his 15th birthday so it was also of course, cause for celebration! He and his friends did an Escape Room, this one is in the old jail in Dunedin, handcuffs were involved! ๐Ÿ™‚

These little guys hatched on Luca’s birthday too. So adorable, Bumblebee a first time Mum, she could do with a little more vigilance in her parenting, but over all she is managing fine.

We gave Luca a video camera . He is really into digital technology and does really well at it, getting Honors in it this year for his Junior Diploma. He and his friends make mini movies and do all sorts of digital things graphics wise, this will help him out……he seemed pleased ๐Ÿ™‚

He requested Calzones, Rich made them from scratch, (delicious), and he and Ted watched Violent Night well into the evening, as the name suggests, lots of blood and gore!

All in all turning 15 was pretty darn good for him! It is hard on my heart seeing him grow up so fast though. I treasure those moments where he comes and sits for a chat, or gives me a spontaneous hug. He has this whole life now that does not include us. Of course this is what it is supposed to happen, I am in awe of how he handles himself out there in the world, but it still makes my heart ache as I know this is the process of letting go and he needs us less and less.

Summer has hit, and with it cruise ship season has begun. Each morning I stand on the deck to see if one has come in, there is rarely not one in dock.

The gardens well established this year, are filling this place with color and perfume, so beautiful…

Another celebration these last few weeks was Halloween, here is nothing like it is in the northern hemisphere but it is still Luca’s favorite celebration. I arrived home from work to find a bunch of kids here, all dressing up. It is light now until well after 9pm but that did not stop them, they got into costume and hit the streets. Luckily around here lots of folk support it, they came home tired but happy with their pillowcases full of goodies.

Work has been insanely busy for me this year, many late nights, early mornings and lots of traveling. I was over in Central Otago again last month to check on the clinics there and we had our annual clinicians meeting in Naseby so I was away for that also. I had not been to Naseby before and fell in love with the tiny village, it is gorgeous and surrounded by spectacular nature, we plan to go there as a family in the New Year. I love nursing but I am so looking forward to a break, this year in particular. We have decided to go to Canada for Christmas!!!!! Very much looking forward to catching up with family and friends. It is been way too long!

We arrive on Christmas Eve, we have all missed snowy Christmases…โ›„โ„๏ธ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽ…

Rich and Luca helped move Aria into her new flat a few weekends ago. She will be back down in the new year to start on her 4th year, man that time has gone so fast!!!!! Luca very impressed with her flat choice this year, it is going to be very social, no doubt about that! He is already making flatting plans for when his turn comes. I like the idea of him doing Halls of Residence first or even taking a year out, but he will make his own mind up with that one ๐Ÿ™‚ Speaking of learning, Rich has helped Luca out so much with his math this year. He has spent hours learning it himself so he can then teach Luca. My husband is a superstar!!!! Truly he is, one day Luca will realize just how much he has helped him. Schooling is done very differently to when Rich and I were at school and so Rich and I split it, he did the math and I did the literacy so we can grasp what is going on. Very quickly now Luca will not need our input, but we are pleased we have been involved these last few years, we have learned a lot along the way ourselves!

Luca has come out of Junior High School with a Diploma with Merit we are so proud of him. He is now off school until February the 2nd, when he enters Senior High!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

Rich and I have spent the weekend in the garden, tidying up in preparation for the summer. Now the build is finished we have had a lot of company coming and going, this is the first weekend in a while we could dedicate to gardening. Luca helped us yesterday which spurred things along. It is amazing how quickly it can get done with many hands on board. We did the same at my brothers place a couple of weekends ago, you can get so much achieved in a relatively short space of time, it is very satisfying…

Asparagus and broad beans were harvested…

Pica and Vida loving the warm weather and often come in exhausted from lying in the sun. It is a difficult life for them but they stay strong ๐Ÿ™‚

I found this painting recently of Port Chalmers in the 1800’s. Both those churches are still standing strong, well used and kept in pristine condition. The one on the right is just below our property. I like to see how much this little village has fared over the years, it still very much holds onto its roots as a working port.

Until next time, Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!