Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

With the festive season here in NZ has come the sun and very, very hot days. So grateful for the deck and shaded area for some relaxing after busy days.

Luca finished school on the 9th of December. He has had a really successful first year of high school taking out some prizes at the end of year assembly, and getting a great report card, we are very proud of him, he worked really hard this year.

The lead up to Christmas Luca and I both got a nasty gastro bug that hung on for a while, Rich missed this one, so lucky him got to take care of us 🙂 We do not often get this type of thing and it hit us hard. Luca fainted going to the bathroom to throw up early into it, he was out for a while and came around wondering where he was and what was happening, it gave Rich and I quite the scare! Luca handled it in his usual way, he has always been a good patient.

Anyway it meant lots of chilling and recuperating on the couch for a few days. Vida happy to help nurse him…

We have had lots of cousin time over the last couple of weeks, trips to the beach and some exploring in Oamaru…

Moeraki boulders…
“Indiana Jones”, running from the boulder 🙂
Luca embracing the steam punk feel, brought himself some bike goggles 🙂
Big kid on the flying fox 🙂

Xmas Day crafting, we gave the kids letters for their room doors and birdhouses for their garden to paint, they spend the afternoon getting very creative…

Slip and sliding at ours, for $20 this sure provides a lot of entertainment, this is its 3rd season and it is going strong surprisingly….
and meals together, so nice to be eating outside again….

It is great for the cousins to hang out, they have a lot of fun running around.

Building of the wash house is coming along…

This was yesterday morning, Rich working on the calculations for the walls, window and door, with a little help from Vida and Pica…

Luca was given a Star Wars jigsaw for Xmas, so the kitchen table is once again spending the holidays as its base. This one Luca wants to frame for his new bedroom…

The garden is doing well with this hot weather after days of rain

I made this Orzo dish with the last of the broad beans..

The boys did not like the mint addition, (said it made it taste like toothpaste 🙂 ) , you win some and you lose some, will make it again without adding it next time!

Speaking of meals, Luca has taken to making scrambled eggs regularly for breakfast since being off school, we are happy he is taking an interest and bit by bit building up his meal repertoire which will be handy for when he goes flatting.

An exciting local happening is the bike track that links Port to the rest of Dunedin is just about finished…

They are doing an amazing job and we are looking forward to using it regularly. It will really open up Port to a lot more traffic as a day destination , with that and the cruise ships back in full force, the little village here is humming.

So we soon will be in 2023, here is to a happy and healthy one for us all. Happy New Year everyone!