Yesterday was Matariki. We have had some amazingly clear nights of late and the stars have been clearly visible.
Matariki is the Māori name for a cluster of stars known elsewhere as the Pleiades. The constellation is visible from New Zealand for eleven months of the year, but disappears from the skies for a month in winter, reappearing in mid June, around the time of the winter solstice. Its rising is recognised by many iwi [tribes] as the beginning of a new year. The holiday centres on three principles: remembrance of those who have died, celebrating the present with family and friends; and looking to the future promise of a new year. It is believed to be one of the first Indigenous celebrations to be recognised as a public holiday in a settler colonial state.
We went for a lovely walk yesterday and then just enjoyed hanging out together.
Rich has been continuing to work on the deck area…
Yesterday we hung the flower baskets that he gave me for my birthday, they look wonderful, I am looking forward to fulling them with flowers in the spring!
I have bedded down my vege garden at home, leaving a couple of plots that are still producing things like broccoli.
Luca really on the count down now to the school holidays, working on finishing up assignments etc
With a little help from friends….
He will be very happy I am sure not to have to polish his school shoes for the break, not a favorite chore of his at all!
The girls are looking very healthy and feathered up again (all looked very bedraggled as they went through their molt). Another week or so and they should be ready to start egg production again.
Then I thought about it a bit more and remembered it has kinda always been the case, even when we lived in a normal house 🙂