High School…..

Onion flowers ,(so beautiful), and a propagating hydrangea

It seems a long time since our time in Nelson!

So much has happened in the last month.

Luca started high school last week, such a big milestone! It only seems like yesterday he started school, oh my heart ….

He spent January, thanks to Rich, at the beach, mountain biking, having sleepovers in the tree house and mates places, going to the museum, movies and generally chilling.

Then in the last week of January it was time to get organized for school.

He had been wanting a leather satchel for high school as opposed to a backpack, but they were ludicrously expensive and I just could not justify it. Then I came across a pre loved one at the op shop, he loves it!!! Such a lucky kid!

Sorting his stationary and writing up his calendar diary he took seriously and I think helped him feel more confident about what to expect.

We had bought his uniform and stationary supplies early in the month ,(thankfully as supply has been an issue for those who waited). I am truly shocked at the price of uniforms in NZ and understand why there are kids going to school part time, as they are sharing one uniform with siblings, or they just don’t go to school at all. This is unacceptable and I am now part of a wider group advocating change for equity and accessibility. Luca ironically loves the uniform and wears it proudly, there has to be a way to make it affordable for everyone though.

His high school has been really great with communication and he felt very prepared for his first week. I came home at night to a very happy boy, buzzing with all he had done and what he was looking forward to. His favorite subject so far is Latin, he has joined up to give Kendo a go, and he loves taking the public bus. Rich and I very happy that he is so excited and embracing of this new journey 🙂

For most of the last few weeks the weather has been amazing and we have been back to landscaping and gardening. Finally getting the bank done, we are pleased with the result. For anyone doing a steep bank the coconut matting really helps hold the bark on the steep incline, and keeps the chooks off it as they cannot get to the dirt.

Luca has started some Bonsai trees that he got for Christmas, with a little help from Vida (whose 4th birthday happened on the 15th of January) …

In our flower garden Rich found this little fellow. They are very common here in NZ, these juvenile hedgehogs often get a bit out of their depth with their curiosity and get disorientated. This one got into the garden then could not work out how to climb over the edging, he was exhausted and hungry. We fed him ,(soft cat food which is devoured quickly), and let him go in the bush, he wandered off happily.

Luca named him Sonic 🙂

Other parts of the property we have been working on tidying up

Edging around the base of the fire pit area finishes it off, the native Hebes I planted last year are doing well
This is our flower garden area, I have been bulking it up bit by bit and this year for the first time it really looks like a proper garden
This whole area has pulled together really well, we all love hanging out there.

Rich cemented the fire pit itself, is now ready to use once the weather cools down….

The vege garden, wild blackberry and fruit trees are producing well..

Luca and I foraged for these blackberries yesterday and will be turned into a pie tonight. He and I also preserved some apple sauce, our apple trees are all ready to go and I don’t want any to go to waste. This lot made 5 jars, one did not make it, Luca ate it before it got to the pantry 🙂 It has barely dented the amount on the trees so need to get going again!

I find apple sauce super easy to make and a great one to do with kids. I really want Luca to know how to preserve, so far he is keen and always happy to help. I am going to try some different jams and chutneys this year. Rich’s Mum is a whizz at all this and we often talk about her as we do it, I know I have a long way before I am as proficient as she is, but I will keep trying!

It is Waitangi weekend here, with Monday a public holiday. It is for the most part, rainy, this is always bitter sweet for us, we love the sunny days ,(it was 32 degrees mid week!!), but the rain means our water tank fills and the vege garden does not need to be watered with our precious water supply. A break in the weather yesterday meant Rich could do the gutters. Luca always disgusted at what we find and can’t believe we drink it 🙂

The process of building our extension is coming along bit by bit, we spoke with the builder on Friday. Building is a huge issue in NZ at the moment as I have mentioned before. Supply and labour shortages are a concern and we have been finding reliability a big problem. We have changed builders and things are looking up, we at least have a clearer timeline. Hopefully starting the build in September all going to plan! It is going to take the next few months to work through the drafting, council consents and banking, it takes that long as so much red tape still to work through! We feel more confident and knowledgeable about the process , (which have to say is overwhelming), each discussion we have with all involved we come away knowing more. It is frustrating at times, but know having bedrooms will change the value of this property significantly so worth pursuing.

Rich and Luca have also started clearing the paddock edge for fencing so we can get some farm animals. This too is going to take a while and a lot of physical work but will be worth it in the end 🙂