
Well here we are at the end of November don’t know what happened to this month, it disappeared in a flash!

Spring is turning into summer, plants that I planted last year are in full bloom this year…

We are eating daily from the vege garden, there has been mixture of rain and hot sunny days, perfect for growing.

The stair and path area coming along nicely….

The idea of the river rock around the base of the fruit trees is so the chooks don’t scratch around them damaging the roots and makes it much easier for mowing the lawn. The one thing we did not take into account is our rock obsessed dog 🙂
She chooses one and carries it around for ages! Luca put up the below sign next to her food bowl , not sure if the message is getting through though!!!

Life for her is pretty darn sweet 🙂

Last weekend the Marine Studies Centre ,(an Otago University Research Facility), had an open day so we went along. Have been wanting to go since we arrived, they don’t open often so we jumped at the chance.

We could look back to our place …

It was a cool day and right up Luca’s alley! We are so very lucky to have these sort of things right on our doorstep!

On our way home we stopped for a bite to eat and walk around Glenfalloch Gardens and cafe. Glenfalloch, Gaelic for ‘hidden valley’ is an historical garden, established in 1871. The garden covers 30 acres and was saved by Otago Peninsula Trust in 1969 for everyone to enjoy.

We never take for granted the beauty around us and how accessible it is, so lucky!

On a more sober note, our Diane died this month.

There she is leading the pack, she was the matriarch of the girls, and very old, we are really sad she is gone but know she had a good life here. RIP Diane…..

This is who we have left now. An early morning photo of them patiently waiting at the front door for me to go down and feed them 🙂

The kids, (including Rich!!) are right into Nerf guns at the moment. Our house is turned into a battle zone frequently!!! Both Vida and Pica seem very confident no one is going to shoot them! So far during all the battles no one has…

I was in the kitchen cooking supper while this was going on. Dumplings, a lot of ingredients from our garden, simple and delicious, there was none left after they got their hands on them 🙂

They celebrated after with some Brownies, that Rich made for the occasion!

Like with the dumplings this lot was gone in approximately 5 minutes!!!

There are more sedate times too. A colleague’s son has just left home for his first job and had a few boxes of things that he thought Luca may be interested in. It was like Christmas come early for him. These are figures from the War Hammer series that Luca has spent all week making, Ted joined him yesterday…

Next weekend is Luca’s 13th birthday!!! Ted is coming over after school and we are celebrating, the kids camping up in the tree house for the night, then we are going the the movies to see Dune on Saturday. Luca has been waiting for this for months!!! For those of you unfamiliar, Dune is a 1965 science fiction novel by American author Frank Herbert, that has been made into a movie. Hope it lives up to expectations 🙂

I snapped this the other night, never too old to sit on his Dada’s knee, the other was taken at 2 days old, the years go by way too fast…