
Wow it has almost been a month since my last post, how did that happen!?!!!!!

I was only able to see urgent patients during the first part of lock down, but was able to open up to non emergencies on the 8th of September, and has meant a high influx of patients in both my clinics, the days just fly by!

September was 2 years since we moved onto this property, hard to believe. The builder came to measure things out according to our plan and they are happy, we now need to get council permits etc. The fencer came too,and measured out what what pasture we want fenced, hopefully this will happen early next year if things stay at level 2.

This is all going to take time but good to have a plan to move forward on.

Luca has started Spring school holidays as of Friday and is off until the 18th, then he has 8 weeks of primary school left! He had his interview with his new school Dean on Friday morning. The high school has 4 houses, (think Harry Potter – Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor). Logan Park has Aoraki, Clayton, Omimi and Toroa and there is a Dean at the head of each house. Luca’s house is Aoraki and their mascot is a Dragon. The idea of the houses is, like Hogwarts, to compete with each other throughout the school year in various events and there is a cup to be won. It is an English tradition that most school here have, and one I grew up with too. Luca thrilled with getting into Aoraki as was his house and Dean of choice. The interview is held to get to know Luca and his family, and welcome him to the school, each Dean meets with every new child in their house, and is their “go to” person for the child and their family for the next 5 years. We are all very happy with how things are starting out and Luca looking forward to starting. He goes for an orientation day at the end of November.

After the interview Luca went back to school for the annual school run,the whole school participates, he did well, came in 4th 🙂

I was supposed to be part of a sausage sizzle for the PTA to raise some money but it had to be cancelled due to level 2 restrictions. As a PTA we have struggled this year bring in our usual fundraising funds because of Covid, we are hoping the last school term we can make up for it, have a few things planned.

Around here things continue, here are some before and after shots…..

In the orchard I have planted more fruit trees in we now have: cherry, plum, nectarine, peach, apple, pear, olive, avocado, apricot, lemon and lime.

The chooks love to dig around them so we have surrounded them with a ring and put mulch around the bottom to help stop that. The mulch comes free from a local guy who mulches up leftovers from his timber mill and leaves it for the community to help themselves, so nice of him!

This is the orchard area that we are slowly transforming, the bank will eventually be the backdrop to our front entrance . I planted numerous plants on it yesterday, it is going to take time to establish as the soil clay and needs help! Rich is about to start stairs on it leading up to the fire pit area…

Pica and Vida are exhausted by all the activity and can often be found napping blissfully 🙂

Vida has come a long way from the scared little kitty we bought home. Luca has a good bond with her and although a different relationship to the one he had with Kea, it is very sweet.

He and Pica often chill on Pica’s mat outside as it captures the morning sun, that is our front door they are leaning against, so looking forward to getting that in!

While we work Luca is tasked with lunch, he makes various things but Rich and I love his his signature ciabatta buns, they are pretty delicious!

In the last week of school Luca had a speech to give and a card game to make (the kids made a card or board game and then everyone got to play each others). The speech went well and the card game he spent ages on creating. He and I played it last weekend to see how it went..

It was along the lines of dungeons and dragons crossed with pokemon, quite complicated but fun, Luca won of course! 🙂

Labour weekend is coming up this month and we are planning a trip….

The is the Dunstan Trail in central Otago, 110km of spectacular beauty. We are going to bike it and do it in 2 days, pretty excited about it, we have been wanting to do this for a while! Can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!