Well NZ is in complete lock down again, the delta variant has got into the community. This is really the only option for here, we don’t have the resources to be able to cope with large outbreaks, but obviously this puts other pressures on, and there is a heightened sense of anxiety in the air.

We have slipped back into homeschooling quickly…

the mornings are school, work for me, and chores…

the afternoons are into the garden, lots of landscaping things underway.

Luca does get in there ,(especially loves the slashing tools!), but…
to be fair most of the time he and Pica are playing, there is an ongoing game of tag happening 🙂 They both get absolutely filthy but so much fun is had…..

We are so lucky with the weather, perfectly timed! Luckily Rich had got this before lock down happened, so we can continue on with some of our plans.

On the other hand, we had started the extension planning in earnest….

and this has to go on hold for now, we will pick up again when we can.

Last weekend ,(before lock down), we fitted in a long bike ride. Ted came with us, this was fortuitous given the current circumstance, that the kids got to spend the day together before being isolated.

So cookies are made….

we regularly go on our local walk, (Rich has had to clear it again as trees had fallen).
and as it was last time, it is such a wonderful thing to have on our doorstep, helps keep us smiling 🙂
Rich found us a second hand tent on Trademe that we are planning to use for our next big overnight hike, (Abel Tasman), he and Luca have set it up so see how it does with rain . It is perfect, such a good buy Rich!!!!!! We are bit by bit getting our camping gear together again, one of the most difficult things to sell when we left Canada was our camping kit, we really had great stuff and it is taking us a while to replace it.

Pica is so happy to have us all home again, but absolutely exhausted at the end of each day 🙂

So for the most part things are good with us and we are making the most of the time we have together, but as said at the beginning, there is a heightened sense of anxiety felt by everyone in the community, even more than our last shut down I think. I worry it threatens the sense of unity that was such a part of the last effort, time will tell….