August 2021…

The beginning of August has been busy! Luca has made a decision for High School ….Logan Park

The setting is awesome as you can see. Luca came out to the information day saying “I love it, its awesome, wish I could go now!” None of the others had this effect on him, so the choice in the end was easy 🙂 He has enthusiastically thrown himself into study of things like research and Latin in preparation! I am sure this will wear off, but still it is good to see how excited he is for high school 🙂

Last night we took Aria and Luca out to see Jungle Cruise ,(a movie they have been both wanting to see), and then our for supper. Such a nice evening. We love the movies but just don’t go often enough need to rectify this! Even the cinemas here are lovely, old buildings with lots of history, so beautiful…

Last weekend we helped my brother and family move into their new home, such a big couple of days, they are so happy to be in!

The weekend before we did a hike with Aria, my brother and their dog. Such a great day for it!

With Spring in the air here……

we are staring to tidy things up and start on new projects…

Luca cleaning up the chook pen…

Rich making new paths…..
the trail heading down to the wood shed and workshop…
and up to Luca’s place.

We have started a worm farm too! I have been wanting one of these for ages, such a wonderful source of nutrients for the vege garden. Luca assembled it..

and we added 2000 tiger worms to it. Will take about 3 months to start getting the castings, but they are busy little fellows already….

We ate the last lettuce from the garden in July …

we still have potatoes, celery and spinach but planting season will begin again soon, I am looking forward to getting things up and running again.

Our pullets from last year have starting laying up a storm, we have plenty of eggs these days. Rich discovered their stash in the bush behind their house 🙂

Luca’s breakfast with a couple of these, such great colored yolks!

After busy days a bit of relaxing is in order 🙂

We have big plans for the property over the next few months so watch this space 🙂