Science Festival and more….

Every year Dunedin holds a Science Festival that coincides with the winter school holidays, (we are just heading into the second holiday week), it is perfect timing and Luca loves it, so many cool activities, we have tried to get to as many as we can…

After this, we had a lovely meal out in the city, very much enjoyed…

Rich took Luca and Mahe to more science activities during this last week, involving virtual reality and the moon, and on Friday Luca went off to Quarantine Island to treasure hunt with Ted, he came home exhausted but happy 🙂

At the beginning of the month was the Port Chalmers Art Auction. This is put on by the local arts charitable trust and a lot of the funds raised, go towards to the Port School, “Artist in Residence Week”. This is an annual event where a local artist goes into the school for a week, and teachers all the kids their artistic techniques and helps the kids to create their own. We then hold a big parade, show casing what the kids have made. It is a highlight of the school year. Anyway I volunteered at the auction (in the kitchen and bar), it is a huge night, lots of fun, very much embraced and supported by the local community. The town hall was packed and we made thousands, it was quite competitive, Rich and Luca had 2 pieces they wanted to bid on but the bids went too high for them, still they enjoyed being part of it 🙂

We have also enjoyed a night out at the theater this month! We don’t get to live theater often, but when we do we all enjoy it a lot. The boys picked me up after work and we had supper in the city, then went to the Mayfair, an iconic heritage theater in South Dunedin, you aren’t allowed to take photos during the performance but I quickly clicked this before the curtain went up….

Luca is still quoting lines from the show, he is quite the thespian at heart 🙂

We have seen quite a bit of my brother and his family of late, Aria is back after the university holiday so has joined us, and has also started doing some babysitting of the girls. They have brought a home, (move in 3 weeks), and will live quite close to Aria so it works well for them all.

It is not always sunny, to be honest we are having the wettest winter since we have lived here, but it does not stop us getting out…..

Luca has been sewing as part of his practical skills for school and has made “Chickown”….

He now sits proudly on Luca’s couch inside Casa de Luca. Yep it is all done in there now, Luca so happy to have this space! Rich has created something Luca will treasure forever ….

The couch pulls out into a bed so the kids can have sleepovers in there.
He has the best view on the property!
I LOVE this photo of my happy boys, they spent a day up there this week holding a darts tournament 🙂

I forgot to mention in the last post that our car died. It was very sad, she had taken us on such a journey since arriving in NZ, and getting rid of her was a difficult decision, but she was just becoming too unreliable. She owed us nothing, was a 2006, had brought her for $3500 and had close to 300 000km on the clock, we were grateful for all she gave 🙂 . Rich and I spent a day searching for another. It is something neither of us enjoys, but it needed to be done. We wanted another Subaru, but wanted something higher off the ground as found that when we travel in more remote places and even getting up and down our drive a higher vehicle is more ideal, so we traded in the Legacy for a Forester…

Look how little Luca looks back in November 2018 when we got the Legacy to begin our journey around NZ!!!!
Already dirty but doing us well!

Being still the school holidays lazy starts to the day is the norm..

When Luca goes back to school the open days for choosing a High School begin ,so it will be a busy start to term 3, good to have a good few restful days before all that.

The schools each put out a prospectus and then hold an open day. Luca has 8 high schools to choose from in Dunedin which is pretty wonderful.

So the search begins…..