Casa de Luca

The outside decoration has begun, we have always named our places and this is no exception, seemed fitting 🙂

Rich hung the solar lights today and here they are just on dusk. not a great photo, but you get the idea……

Luca even has a couple of “flatmates” , they are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!

Long weekend here, 4 days off for both me and Luca, wahoo! The last 3 weeks have flown by and been very busy so it is good to have some down time.

As part of my company’s “giving back to the community”, the staff have a volunteer day where we donate our time to a local project, this year we chose Orokonui Ecosantuary , see the link to this amazing place! It is less than 5 minutes from our property…

This is a “flagship biodiversity project for the South Island where multiple species of plants and animals are protected from predators. A predator fence surrounds 307 hectares of Coastal Otago forest, pests have been removed, habitat enhanced with weed control and planting, and many rare and endangered species re-introduced”. It is staffed, but volunteers are needed to keep things running smoothly. It was a perfect day weather wise and we spent it gardening, weeding, pruning, cleaning etc, everyone had a great time. We got a tour and were lucky enough to see the Takahe (above) There are 400 of them in existence and here are 2 of them! It is no wonder though that they need protection, they are flightless and friendly. Of course back before man arrived in NZ there was nothing to be afraid of so the instinct of fear just not in them.

Luca is looking to do some volunteer work there, which would be perfect for him and super convenient as so close to home! He has his form in and waiting for a placement to come up….

Speaking of Luca he and I both came down with the cold that is doing the rounds and he spent a weekend by the fire, luckily he had a good book 🙂

He is up and feeling better now though….

Still getting used to him having short hair, it makes him look very grown up! I snapped the shot below, not long before he cut it, it was so long!

Reading for all of us relaxing, but Luca does like the devices, it is all a matter of balance, some times easier to find than others 🙂

Since moving into this home Luca has liked to put up the menu for the evening meal. He would write it on pieces of paper and stick it to the wall. In a recent op shop browse I found this wee blackboard…

Perfect!!!! Even my colleagues ask me now “what is on the board for tonight” 🙂

My brother and his family arrive in Dunedin next weekend to start their new life here. I will be quite the change for them, but I think they will enjoy the new pace of life. I have just heard from them they are crossing on the ferry between the north and south island. Luca turned 10 the day we did that crossing back in 2018! Rich and I were just saying this week how quickly the years have gone since we arrived in NZ!

Last year at a fundraiser I brought this rhododendron. This is the first one I have ever purchased and wondered how it would do, apparently very well, here we are in winter and it is happily flowering, we can see it out our kitchen window , a nice splash of colour for the winter months.

Tonight Aria is with us, the kids are picking movie, Rich is cooking up a storm and it is toasty warm in here, perfectly sets the scene for a relaxing evening …. xx