
We made the most of the awesome weather last weekend and headed to the Caitlins. This is a couple of hours south of us on the east coast. It has been many, many years since I had been there and I have only vague recollections of it. So, so beautiful!

First stop the famous lighthouse at Nugget Point.

It reminded us a lot of Newfoundland…….

As the day warmed up ,(we had left home early), we headed to the beach via one of the areas waterfalls. The walk to here was really lovely through native bush.

This part of the beach was awesome for exploring the rock pools

and searching for fossils embedded in the rocks, Luca was in heaven!

Then it was off for a proper swim…

We headed off again feeling refreshed, stopping to admire amazing vistas along the way. The amount of stunning beaches surprised us, we had expected it to be a lot of rocky beaches not sandy ones.

No trip to the Caitlins would be complete without going to Cathedral Caves. They are reportedly one of the thirty longest sea caves in the world and very impressive. The 199m long cave is formed in Jurassic sandstone. It is a bit of a hike down to them but so worth it!

Luca 🙂
Yes that wee speck is Luca going into the ocean again

We stayed until late not wanting to leave and did not make it home until 9pm. Such a great day! It cannot have tired Luca out too much as the next day he headed up the drive to catch a ride to the beach with his mate, tough life this one has 🙂

Surfer boy 🙂

On the home front things are coming along nicely. We FINALLY got around to putting a handle and lock on our bathroom door, figured it was time, but surprisingly difficult to find what I was looking for to work on this old reclaimed door which I love.

Good teaching moment 🙂

The chicks pretty much on the dot of 6 weeks were left by River to their own devices. They are lowest on the pecking order but stick together and are coming along beautifully.

The fire pit area had become the chooks favorite dust bath area and they were causing a big mess so we have had to cordon it off to sow grass seeds . They still try to get in but grass has finally started to grow…

I had also noticed that Pocoyo had become very secretive of late and went on a hunt, sure enough she has gone broody, I found her wee stash…

None of them are fertile and I don’t want more chicks until the end of the year so I had to take them all, much to her unhappiness, she will get her chance to raise chicks just not now.

Produce keeps coming thick and fast. Beans are ready and we are getting a load like this most days, it is Luca’s job to harvest them…

Apples from one of the trees for apple sauce and pie..

Ted and Luca camped out in the yard again last night and arrived home at 7am for breakfast. They are both pretty tired as spent yesterday hanging out with friends at the local pool. It is very cool the local kids can meet up there and lifeguards oversee things. Means the kids can do it independently and parents know they are being watched. Still I will always worry….

We have spent this weekend making the fire pit area pretty, the lights are all solar and come on at dusk, last night the boys hung out there until late. Rich really has outdone himself creating this gorgeous spot 🙂