And so it begins..

You know summer is on it’s way when the slip and slide comes out and Pica and Luca hit the slope πŸ™‚

The day of the Art Parade the weather was not quite as nice, but still the kids had a great time and loved displaying all they had made…

That is Luca to the left with his creation behind hm
Some music to get us all in the spirit πŸ™‚

Luca’s birthday was this week, he said it was the “best birthday ever” , he really, really enjoyed his day πŸ™‚

12 years old! So hard to believe! He is getting so tall and lanky, but still not so big that he can’t sit on Rich’s lap to watch TV , I LOVE scenes like this, warms my heart πŸ™‚

One of Luca’s friends, Lyla, from Nova Scotia called him for his birthday. They went to preschool together, known each other since they were 4 and when they get talking it is like they have not been apart. I hope one day they will meet up somewhere in the world, they have so much in common and enjoy each others company.

An Xbox and more Dungeons and Dragons kit was a big highlight for Luca’s birthday .

Luca as Dungeon Master….
Deep into a game πŸ™‚
I am involved in this game, still getting my head around how to play !

Ted stayed late last night and they played Xbox with zeal. Rich apparently needs practice to keep up with them, so today he and Luca are playing, it is pretty funny hearing Luca try to teach Rich πŸ™‚

Another highlight of his birthday was the chick eggs hatched on the actual day!

River is still keeping them under wraps and not brought them outside yet. Hopefully in the next day or so I can get some photos.

Speaking of animals, Luca has a spider nursery set up, not exactly sure what the log term plan is there, but hey will cross that bridge when they hatch…

He has also taken to botany in a big way and currently pressing numerous plants to make a reference book…

Chemistry he is also starting to get into . Mahe is really into it too and the two of them have a periodic table song they sing to remember all the elements. Really nice to hear them enjoy learning this in their spare time, it is not something that is expected at school yet. We got him this book to help, carbon and samarium his favorite elements apparently πŸ™‚

The warm weather has meant we have started eating our raspberries and strawberries early this year, delicious!

Only 8 more school days left until summer holidays! The kids go back on the 3rd of February. The kids are tired, getting up in the mornings a struggle now, we all enjoy, and look forward to the relaxed routine of the holidays πŸ™‚

Everyone seems tired , it has been an incredibly tough year for all.

COVID has turned the world upside down, and its effects continue to create chaos. Like many, the job I was doing over the lock down period, was effected greatly and I knew I had to move on before things got worse. It was a highly stressful time, I knew many, many others were going through something similar , but those months were some of the worse I have experienced in my career.

I changed to my current job mid year with great trepidation, things had not exactly gone to plan with my jobs so far in NZ!!!! However, here I am a few months into it and I can honestly say it is one of the best nursing jobs I have ever had, it was worth the wait! All the education and training promised was done immediately, the hours I wanted given, my colleagues are great, I work as an independent practitioner, (something I have been working towards for years), and the demand for the service is growing. My boss, and owner of the company, is very supportive and happy for things to expand as I see fit. I am incredibly lucky!

Nothing is forever, and this year has shown just how much things can change very suddenly, but for now I am so very grateful that I have a job that means we can continue with this life we have set up here, and that we are all happy and healthy.

This will be my last post before 2021 begins. We are heading off on the West Coast Trail over Christmas and won’t be back until early in the New Year. It is a 136km bike trail through the scenic and remote west coast of the south island and will take us a few days. This is our first long, hard cycle ride with overnights, as a family, we are all pretty excited to get going.

Merry Christmas everyone, from our home to yours!!!! xxx