Growing up….

In a couple of weeks this gorgeous boy is 12! How did that happen?!!!! Just seems like yesterday he was this size….

It has been a busy few weeks. Halloween was fun, Luca and his mates had a great time. It is really nice for Luca that they do it, was such a big highlight of his year in Canada and helps him connect again with his roots.

Left to right…..Mahe, Luca, Olivia and Ted

The egg Luca found, despite us sleeping for a week with a light on, did not hatch and we had to bury it. Luca was upset he had high hopes 🙁 . However 2 of the hens have gone broody and we have eggs under them. This is their first time and so I am unsure how successful it will be, but hoping we get some in time for Luca’s birthday.

River, (left), and Bramble

The other girls are laying well and continuing to contribute to our breakfasts….

The first weekend of this month was busy. The school held a “working bee” on the Saturday to help tidy up the school grounds. We all met up there with our shovels and wheelbarrows etc and set to it. Most brought their kids with them to help. It think it is really good for kids to do this, helps them realize that the incredible space they get to hang out in all day doesn’t just appear, and needs work to keep it like it is.

The day before I had had to have a COVID screening but got the result just before we needed to be there. I am sure most health professionals will be tested at some point, occupational hazard. We are so lucky in NZ with our infection levels, but vigilance is the key to stopping the spread. The system is efficient at swabbing and getting the results back within 24 hours.

On the Sunday Luca had a Kiwi Conservation Club excursion, he is really enjoying these. This one was to explore a river and what lives in and around it. There were 2 French zoologists there doing the education much to Luca’s delight.

Baby trout

Last weekend Rich and I went and picked up some plants a colleague of mine was digging up and throwing out. We want to use them as fillers in the area we are currently working on. Turned into a big job and needed a trailer to get it all, so it was a while before we made it home. We came down the drive to this….

Luca hanging out the washing!!!! Definitely one of the bonuses of him getting older 🙂

The weather has meant the garden has exploded!!!! We are eating from it daily now…

This week has been “Artist in Residence” week in school . A local artist goes into the school and teaches the kids. The parade takes place tomorrow showing off what the kids have been making. The PTA does a fundraiser during it, I am volunteering on one of the stalls, we have not had as many fundraising opportunities this year because of COVID so fingers crossed we do well 🙂 . The kids love the whole “festival” feeling and it is an enjoyable day for all. Reminds me of the festivals in other places we have lived. In Mahone Bay, (Nova Scotia), there was an annual Pirate Festival. Luca was 4 in this photo, he has always loved festivals 🙂

Luca and Ted have been using the car as their mobile hang out. They spent ages setting it all up unfortunately I had to take it all apart at the end of the weekend but they have fun 🙂

They have been doing some work on the power station on the other side of the graveyard. An old photo of the area came up on my feed recently. I did not realize it had been there for so long. Our property is just the the right of the photo. Cool to have this.

Speaking of technology, the ditch that Rich dug when we first arrived to bring us internet fibre finally got installed a year after he dug it. It has reduced our internet/TV bill by half and given us unlimited use. We are feeling very happy about this, it was definitely worth the effort and wait!!!