Sunrises and Spring

This was taken this morning by a local resident as the sun rose in Port. My photo below, taken from our front door, pales in comparison as I tired to capture it, it was truly spectacular, we have been having a few like this lately, it is such a wonderful way to enter the new day ๐Ÿ™‚

I cannot believe we are at the end of August! Spring is showing her face in the usual cheery way on our property…

We have been outside working on the tree house and fire pit area. It is hard slog but rewarding. Here are some pictures from yesterday doing the fire pit area, the views from there are lovely, and once completed will be a great place to sit and relax….

Last week at school was book week and at the end of it, the kids go to school dressed as a book character, Luca was…

Yep Waldo , (known in NZ as Wally, which Luca finds REALLY weird!!! He will always be Waldo to him ๐Ÿ™‚ )

Every bit of sunlight space in this home has seedlings placed in front of it, they are doing really well. A greenhouse will happen eventually, in the meantime this works! ๐Ÿ™‚

A long time ago Luca was sent our old “View Master” by my Mum when she was having a clear out. He has taken them around the world and every now and again takes them out and spends the day looking through them, so cool to have!!!!

His Auntie Jen sent him some bunting recently and it has really made his space in our home his own, thanks Auntie Jen, perfect!!!

The tree house area is proving to be QUITE the challenge.

Early stage planning, Luca points out his thoughts on things…..

Rich has been in our bush cutting down logs for the base…

Then we have to get them up in the tree. They are WAY too heavy and long for us to be able to do it, so we have been using a pulley and car system, I drive and Rich maneuvers into space….

Luca and Pica play below on a rope swing Luca hung up after I cleared away the area around the bottom of the tree…

Still a long way to go but we are getting there, and having fun doing it ๐Ÿ™‚

The chooks are all up there with us and follow me down the hill when it is time to go into their pen in the evening…

Luca had a head cold this last week, it is the first time he has had once since Canada. He had obviously forgotten what having one is like, as although he knew he was getting one, (a sore throat the night before), he woke incredulous that he could not breathe through his nose, like it had never happened before! It gave him and Pica an excuse to spend time on the couch, not that they need an excuse to ๐Ÿ™‚

When he started to feel better he helped me out with supper, here he is using the left over pastry to decorate the top of the mince pie, a Pokemon called Ditto apparently ๐Ÿ™‚

The country is at level 2, (2.5 in Auckland), because COVID is still in the community in Auckland, (our largest city), 9 new cases today with 5 of them found in the community, (the others found at the border and are already in isolation – everyone has to go into government manged isolation for 2 weeks on entering the country). Obviously in comparison to other countries these are not high numbers, but it is still of concern. The debate around what to do longer term rages, as the health vs financial impact is huge, as it is everywhere. We had high hopes of being able to get to the Cook Islands if the bubble had been established, but now this has happened no one can see it happening until next year at the earliest, this is sensible, none of the pacific island nations need extra exposure to COVID!

Time will tell what September brings. It is election time here in NZ too, and Rich is able to vote. He is pretty excited about this, as did not think he would be able to….. ๐Ÿ™‚