“It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas….”

Since Luca was born, his birthday is the day we put up our Christmas things. Not much space again this year, but we can still manage some festive cheer ๐Ÿ™‚

Hard to believe Luca is 11, one day he is 10…

and the next he is 11……

He had a great birthday and birthday week. On his birthday evening we took he and Ted out for supper at Futomaki, both the boys favourite place…

It culminated yesterday, in a adventure filled time in one of the Escape Rooms in Dunedin, (theme was Witchcraft and Wizardry), with some of his mates. They did great, had a lot of fun and made it out! Rich said he was impressed with how they solved the clues which involved a lot of thinking outside the box ๐Ÿ™‚

Rich, Oliva, Arie, Otis and Luca

After,we headed to Cobb & Co for a bite to eat. Cobb & Co a bit of a institution here in NZ and kid friendly which is always a bonus! ๐Ÿ™‚

Luca also heard from an old friend in Nova Scotia, Lyla, for his birthday. They went to pre school together became good friends, and have stayed in touch, despite our movements. It was very cool to see and hear from her and her family, I am sure the kids will meet up at some point in the future ๐Ÿ™‚

While Rich had been with the kids in the Escape Room I had gone to pick up Luca’s present from us to add to his flock…

Names for these ones pending….

He was pretty darn happy…

We have turned the wood basket into their brooder for the first 4 weeks and then when feathered they will go out with the others.

Sleeping soundly after a very busy day

Speaking of the others, they are doing great!

Tweedledee ,(black with brown around eye), Tweedledum, (black), River (blue), Bramble, (buff), and Diane ,(white).

They are laying well….

and loving the space.

Just hanging with his girls
Pica keeping guard
Rich installed a very cool roosting branch for them

The first eggs…

were quickly eaten ๐Ÿ™‚

Along with all this excitement, has been the build up to the end of school. Luca’s assembly was held last Friday, with the kids putting on skits and playing the Marimba’s. Luca has had a great year in all respects, and was given a certificate in recognition of this, we are really proud of him.

Playing as we parents entered the hall….
Reading from his memoir…
“Dr” skit, it was done well, they got lots of laughs. Luca has come a long way with his public speaking, he used to hate it now seems to have no issues.

The kids have 2 weeks of school left and then are on holiday until the 3rd of February. The weather continues to be gorgeous, which is great on one hand, but on the other, we need water. Rich and I reckon if rain doesn’t come we are going to have to order some. Our issues with the drainage meant we missed catching a lot of that lovely rain when we had it,and since fixing the problem we have had sun, sun and more sun. Still it has made for days of fun filled activity as we work on keeping our fitness up for our big hike in January…

Cedar Farm Hike
View from the top
The bush part we got a bit lost, but found our way eventually ๐Ÿ™‚
Field full of buttercups ๐Ÿ™‚
New matching wet suits for the boys ๐Ÿ™‚

Days always end in an exhausted happy heap…. ๐Ÿ™‚