Together again

At last we are all reunited. The drive up was lovely, the snow covered mountains never cease to amaze…

Luca sat outside the quarantine facility waiting eagerly for them to let Pica out….

and soon they were together again, like they have never been apart πŸ™‚

Vida and Pica are taking their time getting used to each other. Vida likes to hang out here while sleeping but….

more and more we wake up to her on our bed, with Pica underneath the covers, and during the day they are getting closer to each other…Vida on the table to the left πŸ™‚

The kids are currently on holiday and we are having typical spring weather, gorgeous one day, rainy the next. The rain always good for our water tank, (our sole source of water), so we are not unhappy to see it. Before school ended for the term, the region celebrated the annual Poly Fest, which is a celebration of the Polynesian and Maori culture. The kids had been practicing the Kapa Haka for weeks, Luca has really embraced it and loving learning Te Reo (the Maori Language). All the schools perform at the Festival, here is Luca’s school on stage, if you look closely you can see Luca, it is wonderful to see our Canadian son perform the Haka like he was born here πŸ™‚

In the last week of school there was disco, Luca’s first. It had a theme, the 80’s or a superhero. Luca went as Indiana Jones, good choice we thought πŸ™‚

Rich and he share a love of hats, so have matching now πŸ™‚

At home we have been planting, pruning, digging and building…..

Luca with one of the 9 olive trees we have planted in the orchard…
The beginning of the Vege garden…..

Local horse poop we have been picking up on sale for $2 a bag on the side of the road…
the start of the Chook house….
Luca helping to trim back the Harakeke, (NZ Flax), we are so lucky to have so much of it and so well established, it attracts so many many birds

Day light savings means the evenings are stretching out so after busy days, some relaxing is in order….

This is one of our resident Tui, looking from the kitchen window (the far hill is Larnach Castle)

A couple of weeks ago was the Port Seafood Festival, (a biannual event), it was a gorgeous weekend and there was a huge turnout. Here is the view from our place down to the Port

The school participates, which essentially means we parents volunteer to raise funds for school needs . Rich helped during the set up of marquees etc and I volunteered on the day doing rubbish. The food and music was great and the kids had a good time. Luca and his mate Arie met down there and hung out mostly in the craft tent making stuff πŸ™‚

Fun has been a theme of late. Rich and I found this go kart in the op shop and Luca and his friends have been having a blast, no broken anything, yet….. πŸ™‚

Everyone is pretty exhausted by day ends….

Luca has been learning how to use the gas stove and doing a great job with it, he reckons it is all a ploy so he has to do all the cooking, not a bad idea really πŸ™‚

It has taken this amount of time to update my blog because our internet connection has taken a while to sort out and I have been finding it hard to get to the library during day hours.

Rich dug the ditch we thought we needed for the hook up, it took him ages, the clay making it really hard work.

Unfortunately it was all in vain πŸ™

We have had to go down the wireless route, but here we are back online…….

It coincided with Rich and my 13th wedding Anniversary! Hence the flowers, thanks for all the messages everyone, we are feeling pretty darn lucky these days in all respects πŸ™‚