New Home…..

It has been an eventful couple of weeks. We have no internet currently so I am at the library doing things that need wifi and thought I would do a quick blog too. The property has to have internet connected, and this is going to take a while, trenches need to be dug, wire laid etc, it is a process but we knew this going in, and prepared to wait it out. Our roaming is getting a lot of use though! πŸ™‚

The weather has gone between rainy

Just to prove it does rain here! πŸ™‚

and gorgeous……..

local coffee vendor
We were sitting in the park in the village having coffee after a walk, when I took this one. I love the art murals plastered everywhere in Port and Dunedin.

More and more boats starting to appear out on the water

Luca had his last Football game of the season…..

We have fitted in trips to the beach….

Long Beach
Rock climbers leave their ropes sometimes, fun to play on….
Of course the football ended up in the water, they did get it out eventually!
Fish and chips on the beach is a must, Luca and his friend Riley πŸ™‚
Aramoana Beach after fish and chips, time for some exercise, climbing up and rolling down, they did this until dusk!!!

Then of course our move was upon us. We said goodbye to our rental and got our bikes and got going πŸ™‚

It was rainy weekend, not pouring, but wet enough. Rich went up the day before and put in our mailbox, the property has not had mail delivery before. It is possibly the most secure mailbox ever, Rich says he wants it there for a very long time πŸ™‚

Rich and I decided to rent a truck and do the move ourselves in a few trips. It was quite the feat and we do think that either furniture is getting heavier or we are getting older, the aches and pains lasted a bit longer than usual πŸ™‚

Our drive is a bit of a challenge and more than once we had to tow the truck back up the drive. Thank goodness we recently put a tow bar on the Subaru! The previous owners were still moving out when we arrived and so we got a chance to go over a lot of things about the property with them, this was a good thing, rarely do you get a chance to do this when you buy. They have put a lot of their heart into this place, more than we really appreciated when we purchased it, and it has help pave the way for what we are wanting to do with it, especially consent wise. They have done a lot of planting that is now well established and we will really benefit from it, including the fruit trees that are currently in bloom. The outdoor area is really wonderful and we feel incredibly lucky!

We are working on a name for our little Casa…

It is 60 sq m ,(645sq feet), of cuteness and very comfortable to live in. We only had to resell a couple of things, the rest of our possessions we have found room for using a little imagination…

The pantry and floor boards are reclaimed from the Christchurch earthquake, along with the bathroom door in picture below
All our clothes in one wardrobe now, a little bit of a tight squeeze but it works πŸ™‚
The bathroom window is Vida’s “cat door” πŸ™‚
The fireplace is awesome, produces so much heat we have to open the windows at night
At the moment we all fit into the bed, we reckon we have a couple of years before that is no longer doable. Luca says now we should not add on, that this will work forever, he loves it so no need, we suggested to him he may change his mind πŸ™‚

We do have an old shed but want to do it up so found this old retro canvas tent at the op shop for $20 to use in the meantime. It is awesome never been used and so well made…

Great for tools and dryer etc et. The little tent to the left we found at the dump reuse shop for Luca and his mates. $3 and again, never been used!

Another great find at the op shop was this old game. My generation grew up on this in NZ, but Rich had never seen it before. He and Luca love it and it is the first thing the kids go to when they arrive here…

This was our first cooked meal in our new home, loving the gas hob and oven. It is very posh, we could never have justified buying this ourselves as so expensive, but as it came with the property we are feeling very lucky!

Rich did the cleaning of our rental while Luca and I sorted things at the new place and ran errands back and forth. We got an email this week from our rental company saying how impeccable the clean was and how much they appreciate it. Rich has obviously found another calling πŸ™‚

I brought us a second hand washing machine which Rich hooked up yesterday and I did a wash today, no more laundromat for Rich , yay, we got used to it on the road, but so good to not have to use when settled.

Tomorrow we head the Christchurch to pick up Pica on Monday, so so so excited! Vida has fitted into our new home with ease and obviously loves the space, meeting Pica will be the next change for her πŸ™‚

Taken just before boarding her flight to Auckland