Spring is in the air…

snowdrops galore, picked wild from the road side on one of my walks…

It has been a busy couple of weeks. Lots going on with Luca and school. Runs, music jams and fundraisers. Rich has been baking up a storm for the fundraisers and marshaling at the runs. There were over 600 kids at the music jam, Rich said it was quite something. Luca played the ukulele, we found him one in the op shop a while back , it is pretty cool.

Some of Rich’s lemon and poppy seed muffins for fundraiser, delicious!

The weather has been lovely for the most part and has confused nature a bit, blossoms and bulbs coming up about 3-4 weeks early…

The kids hang at our place, climbing and tagging the footpath ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh how they are looking forward to 3 acres to run on, build things and generally explore.

Have I mentioned our new neighbors? They are very quiet and unlikely to disurb. We will be living next door to an old graveyard dating back to the 1800’s, it is beautiful, full of the immigrating founders of Dunedin and surrounds. Rich and I were at the museum recently and there was a room full of photos of the original immigrant families, it was fascinating, some of whom will soon be our neighbors ๐Ÿ™‚

They did stack our wood before climbing up , you can view our new place from the top, here they are making plans…
Rich giving their hop scotch a go ๐Ÿ™‚

The mornings are getting lighter. It has been quite dark dark for the last few weeks while I wait for my 7:10 am bus, but now the sunrises are happening as I stand there, and they are quite spectacular, wish my phone captured it better…

The other exciting event is that Pica has finally had her last appointment at the vet in Vancouver. Here is the vet team that has been a part of this journey. It has been quite the mission to get to this point. We cannot wait to see her, and so grateful for the help of our friends, and the team who helped make this happen!

The Barn Door team on Pica’s last appointment with them, she leaves Canada on the 4th of September

We have not done any big hikes lately, but lots of walks, exploring parts. The bird life around us continues to make us happy. Here are 2 parrots called the Crimson Rosella. They are not native, they were introduced from Australia years ago, doing really well here so lots of them, they hang out in pairs and are so pretty….

Luca off on an adventure
Rich chilling ๐Ÿ™‚
Winter has treated us pretty well down here in the south

Rich and I went to the lawyer yesterday and are all signed up to take possession of our new place on the 6th, a new adventure awaits!

Like all the bulbs around us springing into action, the 3 of us are eager to take this new path and see where it leads……. ๐Ÿ™‚