Quick update…..

We have a date!!!! All going to plan, Pica will be arriving in NZ on the 6th of September, wahoo!!!! Still a ton more paperwork and medications to be given to her before then, but this is the most progress since I started this process last November! Will be so good to have our family all back together!

I was on a walk a couple of weeks back around our wee habour….

when I came across this lovely girl…..

Her name turned out to be Meg and her owner had lost her on a visit to Port

She was clearly lost and so happy to see a friendly face, she followed me home and I made the necessary calls to track down her owner. In the meantime Luca and his mates arrived home, Luca’s first reaction was “what has happened to Pica!!!” . He thought I had brought this dog home to replace Pica! I reassured him this was not the case 🙂 Interesting though, I had thought his attachment to her may have waned a bit with time, but clearly this is not the case. It is the same with Che and Kea, they are still greatly missed and we have photo’s of them up to remember our happy times with them.

Up until this weekend we have been having an Indian Summer, unseasonably warm and lovely. We have fitted in some great hikes, this one was an off the cuff one, we went to see Luca play Football..

Luca with the ball…

then headed to Taieri River Mouth for what we thought was a short walk. Turned into a 11km hike, but oh so worth it, one of our best in a while….

Lots of good trees to climb en route….

no matter how much we exercise Luca his energy seems endless 🙂

As the hike longer than we thought, we headed home later than initially anticipated, picking up Luca’s mate Ted on the way, (he was coming for the night) , so we let Luca choose our take out on the way. He choose KFC, second time in his life he has had it, and first time for Ted, it was devoured in minutes!

Rich enjoyed one of our local beers with his … 🙂

all in all a wonderful day, spent just the way we love it….

It is a long weekend here ,(Queens Birthday), this is traditionally in NZ the weekend if you farm, and are moving farms, the one you do it on. It coincides with the beginning of winter so often the weather lets us know, and yep it has been wet, windy and cold ,(well in comparison to what it has been).

I start my new position on Tuesday, my hours increase but instead of starting at 6am I will start at 8am. Luca disappointed, as for the last 6 weeks, at 5:45am I wake he and Rich, and they drive me into work ,(the first bus would not get me to work on time and we are really trying to maintain having just one vehicle). Luca has loved this routine, snuggling in the backseat while it is still dark, I think it reminds him of our traveling days and he has asked even though I can take the bus now, can they still drop me off, funny boy :).