
Koputai is the Maori name for this little piece of paradise 🙂

Dunedin itself is renown for its art scene, and around here is no exception, huge murals like this are dotted all over city, this is here in Port, located at the entrance where the cruise ship passengers disembark…

Rich and Luca have taken to fishing with gusto, here they are with supper a few days ago, Luca’s was the biggest, something he was very proud of 🙂

Though I have to note it was Rich that did the gutting etc, Luca did not want a bar of it, hmm he will have to get over that 🙂

Rich has also taken to baking, much to Luca and his friends joy! They never last more than a couple of days, with a bunch of hungry kids in the house, so Rich is baking a lot!

The days for the most part continue to be lovely and sunny even if the temps are a little lower. We are making the very most of every drop of sunshine in case it disappears for a few weeks!

Luca snapped this one
the sand dunes are very cool, this is one of Luca’s favorites
local hole in the rock
Murdering Beach, gruesome name , beautiful place!

Rich and I made it to Signal Hill last week and did some hiking around the other side of town where the water plant is. Although Rich is out of the business now, he still finds it interesting to investigate how the places we live get their water, and how it is treated.

and here is the reservoir, quite amazing that it is still running along after all these years
we hiked through the surrounding bush, here is one of the many waterfalls flowing down with water that will eventually make it to the town supply

Signal Hill is set looking back over the city and has a memorial to the original European pioneers. There is a piece of rock from Edinburgh Castle signifying the link between here and Scotland, (the majority of original pioneers were Scottish)

We liked the area all so much that we went back with Luca and hiked what is locally called the Pineapple Track, quite a tough climb but worth it for the views…

Dunedin below
taking a break…..
the rest obviously worked 🙂
still spends a lot of time in trees!
I missed taking a photo as it was so quick, but as we walked along here a wild pig ran out in front of us and gave us quite the fright! Wild pigs are common in the highland areas, they are shy and you usually don’t see them unless you are specifically hunting them. They can be dangerous if cornered and a Boar or Mama sow not something you want to mess with

When we were in Costa Rica the marimbas were a big thing, used for celebration and a big part of the school band, Luca had talked about wanting to learn. Just by chance it is part of the music program at his new school, how fortunate is that! His class put on a end of term concert and I have to say the group sounded fantastic. Luca loved it, it has given him way more confidence about being on stage.

We had a wonderful, if brief, visit from some friends from Canada. They came into Port on one of the cruise ships for the day. Rich and Diane grew up together, she and David have just traveled through Australia and now doing NZ, then sailing all the way back to Vancouver. So very cool they came here to our wee Port and we got to see them!

Unfortunately I had to work, but some time is better than none 🙂

As I have mentioned the temperatures have definitely dropped especially in the evenings, the fire is now quite a regular thing much to Vida’s delight! She and Pica will be in competition for space no doubt. Yes Pica still coming, a wee delay for numerous reasons, but I am getting it sorted bit by bit.

Luca is now on holiday for 2 weeks, the school terms here are split into 4. The first term has flown, this whole year in fact seems to be flying. Easter is soon, wishing everyone a happy, restful break xxx