Christmas in Aotearoa…

The Geraldine area was lovely, made even more special by our hosts. Such a lovely family, warm and welcoming. Hamish was constructing a flying fox in their back yard for their kids while we were there and got it finished, the kids spent hours on that thing! Luca and Rich making plans for one of our own eventually ๐Ÿ™‚

We took one more hike into the hills, it was a bit rainy but still beautiful.

The area we were in is called Peel Forest. Deep in there, miles from nowhere, between the areas that are under conservation protection, are farms, old well established, huge incredible estates, thousands of acres. The homes made it look and feel like we are in Europe, complete with churches. The photos below are all one property…

Of course all surrounded with paddocks and paddocks of sheep ๐Ÿ™‚

The venison industry in NZ has thrived since I was last here, paddocks and paddocks of deer everywhere too. I have always wondered why they do not farm deer in Canada, it seems such an ideal place with wild deer everywhere. I have asked many times but never got a straight answer.

Rich made and packed a lunch for us, made with his special ingredient, (love ๐Ÿ™‚ ), and we enjoyed it in the car, as started to pour as soon as we hit it.

Again we left the area reluctantly, Luca sad as he loved the kids at our accommodation so we cheered him up by stopping at the playground in Ashburton. The playgrounds here in NZ, always a highlight, so much creativity and effort put into them! Of course another flying fox…

There was a KFC close by and Luca has never had it but has now seen the advertisements on TV since living here and was desperate to try so we did. He loved it of course!!! Hmmm……. ๐Ÿ™‚

We arrived at our new accommodation and knew at once it would be wonderful. Caty and Rhys great hosts and 3 kids for Luca to play with, they immediately all took off to do just that.

Our home for 9 whole nights, perfect!!!!!!!!
Of course up the trees they went….

Being Christmas eve it took time for Luca to sleep as so excited but he got there and was up the next morning at 0530!

The kids next door were over by 8 and they all had so much fun, a perfect Christmas start.

Luca is obsessed with Magical Beasts (the screenplay by JW Rowling ) and Newt his favorite character for obvious reasons, (he saves beasts). Newt carries a magically suitcase full of magical beasts that he has saved. Santa came up with one just like it for him, Luca pretty darn happy….

Newts suitcase found in a dusty back corner of a tiny little op shop and covertly bought ๐Ÿ™‚
Luca has also discovered Footrot Flats, I found a whole lot of them in an op shop, gotta love those ops shops!!!!!!

The day outside was not exactly sunny for Christmas but we had to head to the beach anyway. Rich and Luca gave me a selfie stick, this was it first use ๐Ÿ™‚

Christmas Day 2018, Brighton beach, Christchurch.

I cooked a lamb roast for supper, with the limited supply of implements, pans etc and an ancient old stove. It surprisingly turned out well, possibly one of my best roasts. Dinner was served on a picnic blanket in out tiny lounge as have no table ๐Ÿ™‚

We have spent the last few days exploring Christchurch and the surrounding areas. The earthquake (8 years ago) caused such damage, I hardly recognize downtown now, (I lived in Christchurch, in another life : ) ). The resurgence of new spaces, renovating of old buildings, and a new energy about the place however is great, they are bit by bit rebuilding a wonderful space.

View of Cathedral in the middle of town
“Lawn” chairs, just to hang on

One of the highlights of downtown is the new playground and the new library, both incredible places. The library is the most innovate impressive space and filled with people. Just goes to show that libraries are valuable, needed, wanted places that definitely have a place in the community, despite the advent of the internet. As well as books there are entertainment areas including one filled with Lego, Luca spent 2 hours there while Rich and I had a coffee (at one of the 2 cafes in there!) and chatted about our next move….

Luca and his Lego creation

The Margaret Mahy playground also a highlight, right in the center of town a great space for kids, Luca again spent a good couple of hours here…

We have also spent days in Lyttleton and Akaroa. If we stayed in Christchurch, Lyttleton is where we would want to live. Close to town but removed (can only get to it through a long tunnel or by going over the huge hill), it is by the water, has an arty creative feel, very friendly people and has an innovative school, so so pretty..

Centre of Lyttleton

Akaroa we loved, but it is too far out for commuting work wise, a great place for visiting and some amazing hiking through that area.

During all this time we are constantly talking about what to do. Such a big decision as so many options. We have discussed continuing to travel for 6 months and then decide, India and Botswana high on the list for traveling, trying out Guatemala for living, (we really did love it there), going back to Canada, (BC our choice ), or staying on in NZ. If we stayed in NZ we have got it down to 5 places that we think would suit: Gisborne, New Plymouth, Motueka, Dunedin, or here in Christchurch. Decisions, decisions, all options filled with great opportunity and adventure…..

Downtime reading after busy days…

NZ Christmas tree the Pohutakawa

In the meantime summer has really sprung here, it is hot and sunny. Ice cream a must ๐Ÿ™‚

In the mall we were eating above, someone stopped me and said what are you doing in Christchurch?! It was my second cousin, I have not seen him since I was about 25!!! So so funny and random, I did not even know he lived here. I had told Rich NZ was like this, you just run into people you know anywhere you are. He had laughed and said I am sure it has changed, got much bigger and not like it now, guess it hasn’t ๐Ÿ™‚

Yesterday our host offered to take Luca with her and her 3 kids to a farm where they hung out for the day. Luca had a blast!!!!!!! We have known these people less than a week and they have been so welcoming and helpful. We were hiking recently and met someone who gave us her number and said if you stay in Christchurch call me and come for coffee and we can help you out ,(she is a local teacher and her husband a builder). In Dunedin we met a local artist who gave us her card and said call if you settle here and come for tea, she has emailed us since with helpful information. We have been so lucky with the wonderful people we have met on this journey.

Rich and Luca after many many months have finally got their xbox working, thanks to a guy here in Christchurch who sold Rich a converter (the power here much stronger than North America and it would blow the xbox up without a converter). This was the scene last night until 9pm, all the kids from around here gathered in our small lounge, it was pretty funny…..

Yesterday we have finally come to a decision about what we are doing. We are moving to Dunedin and will begin the process of settling! The next post will be from there, we move down on the 2nd of January. Happy New Year everyone! xxx