
The trek home from the airport to Monteverde was grueling. We opted for local transport, as private is just so much more expensive, but it meant a wait for buses and they are much slower. We did meet 3 teachers from Luca’s school on the bus, who had been in San Jose for the weekend, so not the only ones making the trip home.

We made it in time for supper and all dropped into bed, foreseeing a busy week ahead.

It was Civic Week, the week that Costa Rica celebrates its independence from Spain. It is a very big deal! A torch is carried by runners from Guatemala to Panama. We actually by chance, saw the torch being run through Antigua and the same one was run all the way up our mountain!

The kids prepare all week for Friday, the school, (CEC), holds a big celebration as the torch is run up the mountain and into the school grounds, there is food stalls, entertainment, speeches, general fun and socializing had by all…

Then the next morning is the parade through town. It is a very early start and goes on until lunchtime, virtually the whole community turns up to celebrate. Luca was in the parade, we were so happy for him. That he got chosen to be in it was fortunate, not everyone is so lucky! He wore the “Unipig” mask and danced along with others to the CEC school band. All the schools in the area participate but the CEC band I have to say is AWESOME, and definitely stole the show!

It was an exhausting couple of days, but fun to be part of, and also to learn a bit more of Costa Rica’s history.

Luca’s after school time and weekends are spent with his ever expanding group ,(there are more expats arriving all the time). They are an eclectic group of kids from here and abroad, the common theme being, they just want to hang out and have fun together, which they are certainly achieving 🙂

Pica too has met another “friend”! This one we have named Dustin after one of her best friends in Nova Scotia.

He follows us for miles! He must be owned by someone but have no idea who, he sure does fancy Pica and she thinks he is pretty great too. We are being more careful this time though, as do not want a repeat of the Martin drama!!!!

We also have one of these beauties in our back yard who seems to have no intention of going anywhere…

The problem being that Pica loves to chase and lick him, they are quite big about the size of softball. The substance on his skin attracts her but is toxic! It makes her froth and vomit, too much and it will be fatal, so we need to keep her away from him! Luckily he only comes out of the hole he has made for himself in the early evening, so we keep Pica inside at that time, does not stop her whining to go out as she sees him hopping about!!! 🙂

We have some friends coming to stay with us next week from Vancouver, Canada. Luca and Leif have known each other since they were 3, and are like two peas in a pod. Luca is as excited to have his old friend back, as we are to have his Mum and Dad here, we don’t see them nearly often enough, and miss them a lot.

Just a random pic now of an amazing fly type critter, that flew by me the other day and settled at my feet. So beautiful!