Pool party…..

Here we are at the end of yet another week!

Here are Luca and Pica midweek hanging out, chilling 🙂

This will be my last post until we are back from Guatemala. We leave at 0400 on Sunday. We are all very excited for this trip.

Rich and I picked Luca up from school and walked home, each week Luca seems to grow!!!!

As we approach our 3rd month here we are seeing signs that Luca is making progress integrating, it has been a hard slog in lots of ways, particularly because of the language barrier, but he is getting there.

This is a photo another Mum sent me of Luca at the bus stop, talking with the other kids. For so long, no one spoke to each other except to say good morning 🙂

and here is a photo one of his teachers sent me of Luca at lunchtime, engrossed with a classmate in a book Luca took in. Again for so long lunchtime for Luca was spent with one of teachers….

It has been hard to sit back and watch as parents. At the same time it has been a highly valuable lesson for Luca. To look, and be, so different from the majority, to really experience how that feels, and how to cope with it, is something we hope will stay with him as he goes through life, especially when seeing others going through the same thing!

Edwin finished our fence this week, here are the flowers that the hedge will produce from all those sticks in the ground. These pics taken from other sticks in the ground that are more established in our garden…

Last night we were invited to a pool birthday party. One of the other expat family’s son was turning 4. We all met up at the hotel, (yep that is how you swim in pool here, at one of the 2 hotels that allow the public in 🙂 ). After school we all trooped up there and stayed on until after dark, so much fun….

Here was the view of the sunset from the hot tub!

Everyone had great time, so lucky to have this available to us! All the hotel asks is that we buy something, a drink will do, otherwise no charge, how generous is that?!

More when we return…. 🙂