Montezuma – part 2

Day two began with a swim of course, then down to the village for breakfast. We had a typical Tico breakfast at one of the many cafes…

We had heard about an amazing jungle walk to a nearby waterfall, so off we went. The entrance was just up the road from our hotel so very convenient. On the way, hanging out on the bridge was this amazing fellow, an iguana, close enough to touch, and not at all concerned about us….

Luca grabbed a coconut from a local stand before we hit the jungle..

The way to the waterfall was quite treacherous in places, we passed by this little guy as we climbed….

but the climb was worth the effort, as you can see by the photos…

Luca never ceases to amaze us with his fearlessness!

I got talking to a group of young people from Germany who had come up to Montezuma from San Jose, where they are volunteering for a few months. They are working in botany, conservation and with underprivileged kids. Their passion about the work they are doing is inspiring. Like my discussion with Diana yesterday about her work with children, it really gives me hope that a lot of the next generation is heading in the right direction, where my generation really seems to have failed in a lot of areas.

As we head on this new path of our lives, we are meeting all sorts of people, and most striking to me are the younger ones. The millennial generation gets such a bad rap, but mostly the ones we are meeting on our journey are amazing people, smart, caring, thoughtful, mindful and very aware of what needs doing to make things better for everyone on this planet, not just themselves. For Luca to be surrounded by young people like this is a wonderful, wonderful thing. I am so very grateful for them passing through our lives, for however long it is.

Luca slipped as he got out to the waterfall pool the last time, and had quite the fall. I thought from the angle of his wrist it was fractured. Luckily after the pain wore off and he was able to move it, the angle came right, a plaster would have been a major bummer 🙂

We went on home for yet another swim at the pool and then the beach. Luca as usual has got to know all the local strays, and this one was his favorite, he called her Lassie, she turned up by Luca’s side every time we went into town or beach 🙂

Luca also found a cat he named Sylvester, who hung up in our room a lot, the treats Luca provided were an added incentive we think 🙂

After coming home and having a quick pool dip, it was out for supper to an amazing restaurant that served fresh seafood. Our next door neighbors had recommended it, and they were so right! It sat looking out over the ocean and the tables all sat in the open air.

The food was amazing! This was my meal….

A typical group of homes in the Montezuma village

The squirrels here have such amazing patterns…

We had a quick swim on arriving home and yet again dropped into bed exhausted, asleep within seconds…..