Bicycle happiness….

A week ago Rich ordered a bicycle and yesterday it arrived!

Today he took it for its first adventure, he is one very happy man to have wheels again! If you remember from previous posts, I sold his bikes in Newfoundland before we left, he loved those bikes ๐Ÿ™ . This one not nearly as nice, but does the trick!

While he was off riding Luca and I went exploring again and found a pony, Luca was very happy, we will visit often no doubt! He is pretty desperate for one! I can empathize as feel the same way about horses. I was lucky enough to be riding from before I can remember, and had horses of my own by his age. Making this happen for Luca is on my list ๐Ÿ™‚

We saw these cute little fellows

and ran into a bunch of turkey like birds. Costa Rica does not have wild turkeys, but Luca and I did some research and they are Crested Guan, I did not get a photo, they make a HUGE sound on being disturbed, it is quite startling as they are large birds! Will try hard to get a photo next time! Here is a pic in the meantime to show you what I am talking about…

Rich came home raving about the areas of town he rode to, that we have not yet seen. He says we have to go there tomorrow, as the views incredible, so watch this space… ๐Ÿ™‚

Our landlord Edwin, built and maintains a football field for the local families, it is just below our house. It is so nice to have an open grassy field right there. It also has a little hut with an open grill for BBQing and even indoor toilets! Such a wonderful thing for Edwin to do, I love the community spirit, we have already seen birthday parties happening down there, often kids and adults are down there playing, Luca sometimes joins them if he is around. This is my view of it from my desk …

Rich, Luca and Pica have just come from down there, they are all exhausted after playing, Pica can barely move but is so happy ๐Ÿ™‚

Another active day in paradise….. ๐Ÿ™‚