
As most of you will be aware FIFA world cup is on, and Rich a fan. He has found a place in town to watch it, (we have no TV), so he has been popping down there for a couple of hours if there is a game on he wants to watch.

Luca and I meanwhile have been having little adventures of our own.

Yesterday we went off into the jungle..

the butterflies here are so large and flutter around us as we hike, it is so beautiful.

It was a hot day and Luca and Pica wanted to take a dip, so despite me worrying a wee bit about caiman’s ,(crocodiles), we saw a small dead one recently, I checked about, saw none, so in they went!

They of course had a blast!

After, we walked into town to check out the thrift store for curtains, as we need darker ones in our room. Luca got a tee and a couple more pairs of shorts, he is very hard on his clothes with all this outdoor playing 🙂

We also checked out a couple of other stores Luca has been keen to spend time in. It required us to practice our Spanish, and we discovered by coincidence, people who are our neighbors, and kids that will be going to Luca’s school when it starts back at the end of the month.

It was a great day, we got home late from all the chatting, Rich had had to climb through the window to let himself in as we had the keys, luckily the windows are not exactly burglar proof 🙂