Dance party…
Last night Luca announced we were having a dance party to celebrate being here in Costa Rica. We do have spontaneous dance parties as a family periodically so not so unusual for us π
Anyway Luca set it all up including the admission sheet..
and arranged for the snacks…
and the apple bobbing, (because that is what we do now at our parties apparently π )
and then the party began….
Luca always has a favorite song that he likes to play over and over very loudly at our dance nights. When he was 3 he LOVED Shania Twain and “Feels like a Woman”, then it was Little River Band and, “Help is On Its Way”, and now it is Pharrel Williams and “Happy”. For those of you not familiar here is a link to the song, I LOVE this song!!!! Such a great song and artist!
Appropriately it was the theme of the night, as it how we all feel π .
Dancing with a bit of apple bobbing in there,
and Pica wondering if she too, could share in the snacks π
I am quite sure the neighbors and bus loads of tourists parked outside our place thought we were all a bit mad, but we had a lot of fun π
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