Into week 2…..

The last couple of days have been busy but productive, we are feeling more and more at home.

Luca has started school summer camp, he came home last night exhausted,filthy and happy – wonderful! ๐Ÿ™‚ He has made friends and spent the day outside exploring and being taught out there. The school has its own cow, rabbits, goats and green house, the food they make for the kids is amazing and Luca informs us is delicious! Luca says he is doing OK with the Spanish, he has a bit of a “deer in headlights ” look on his face but seems determined as he goes off. He took the bus by himself this morning despite us offering to go with him.

I may suggest to him that he takes tomorrow off if he is too tired tonight. We are all tired as we adjust to everything, this was what I went into wake this morning, all sound asleep, so sweet ๐Ÿ™‚

When Rich and I dropped Luca off to school yesterday we explored the area more. It is definitely the “posh” part of town, lots of expats and tourists around compared to where we are living, there is even a paved road, wahoo!!!!!!! We stopped into Stella’s for a coffee and cake, those that have been here will know Stella’s. It is a gorgeous little place:

Stella was an English woman, one of the original Quakers. that settled in the area. She has passed on, but her family still run the cafe and restaurant. The women that served us, (Glenda), Stella’s daughter in law, is lovely and turns out her son is will be starting Grade 5 with Luca, she is very happy with the school which is good to know.

Glenda directed us the the Friends school ,(the private school set up by the Quakers), it has a library for the community, books are in English and Spanish. After a week without books, we were all in desperate need! It is GREAT, so much bigger than anticipated, Luca was so so happy to come home to books ๐Ÿ™‚ It works on a good faith system, no one around, it is always open,you just fill out the card and return the book in a month.

This was a scene from our walk, a typical Tico home to the left. The dog walking with Rich, walked with us for so long we thought it might be coming home with us! However alas, it got distracted by a cafe after a couple of hours ๐Ÿ™‚

We are discovering edibles, including this banana and lime tree in our back yard

Luca is convinced there is fish in the river that goes through the jungle behind our place…

There are coffee groves all around us, those green pods are due to be harvested in December…

The wood of the coffee tree is beautiful,our table and chairs are made out of it. Our landlord Edwin, is a carpenter, and not only built the house, but all the furniture in it! Speaking of coffee, this is our coffee maker

You put 2 heaped teaspoons of coffee in the cloth bag, put a cup beneath it, then pour boiling water into the bag and there you have your cup of coffee. Does take a bit of getting used to, Rich is better at making it than me ๐Ÿ™‚

Gorgeous colorful plants are everywhere

I recognize some of them, but they are so much bigger here!

Edwin popped by this morning to tell us he is planting a new fence to give us more privacy, and to help block the dust when dry season comes. They plant limbs of a certain tree in the ground and it roots and grows leaves, it is pretty cool. Edwin such a lovely man, he and I are slowly working out how to communicate as my Spanish comes along at a snails pace, he is VERY patient with me!