Getting into the swing….

We have our little casita all set up, it feels very homey, here is the desk I sit at while writing these, not bad eh?!!!!!

This morning I saw Agouti stroll by, I was not fast enough to take a photo, but here is what one looks like:

So cute! They are about the size of a large cat.

Yesterday we took a walk to the school Luca will be going to. It is only a 20 minute walk, however QUITE the walk, the hills are very steep!

Here is our road as we head off:

It was not bad, as have had the grader go by, (which seems a frequent occurrence), and then some rain, so it was the best condition since we arrived ๐Ÿ™‚

We headed up the first hill

The second hill was far steeper, as we climbed we saw a little track going off into the jungle. We figured why not, how lost could we get?! We were all pretty tired of the gravel road!!!!!

Turns out it was a great decision we found this amazing tree, apparently a Ficus Tree. Luca of course climbed in and up!!!!!!

Not far from the tree we found the school, what an incredible place it is! Literally a kids paradise! Luca immediately found children and disappeared off, while Rich and I went and talked to the staff. They were all so welcoming, there is no doubt Luca is going to love it here. I will do a separate post on the school itself once Luca gets going, he starts on July the 31st.

However next week, and for the following two weeks they hold a summer camp there. It is not just for the kids that go to the school, others come from all over the world specifically for the camp. Luca is going, he cannot wait!!!!!!

While Rich and I were strolling about the grounds we spotted a Coati, this time I did get a photo:

Apparently they are very cheeky and steal the kids lunches if they do not lock their bags up properly. One of the Mum’s said to me, expect a call for extra lunch I get them often ๐Ÿ™‚

We had to drag Luca away after a couple of hours with the promise that he would return on Monday. The bus will pick him up outside our house at 7:15am and bring him home around 3 pm! We can use the bus too apparently which is nice to know for those days we just don’t feel like walking into town.

Then there is always this type of transport:

We met our neighbor riding along the road, He pulled Luca up on board and has offered to take Luca riding whenever he wants. Luca definitely wants ๐Ÿ™‚

During all this it rained and when it rains here it POURS buckets, with lightening and thunder mixed in there. We all got saturated but because it is such a warm rain, it doesn’t matter, it is kind of refreshing! The only thing was, I had done our first clothes washing and hung it out on the line before we left, you know when it was blue sky and sunny ๐Ÿ™‚

We are down to minimal clothing as they were not on our priority pack list! I need to get some dry by tomorrow or we will not be able to leave the house. I now know why we have a washing line inside! ๐Ÿ™‚

Clothes washing is a big task here, the washing machine requires lots of manual intervention and took me two hours ๐Ÿ™‚ I have not used one like it since I lived in residence while training as a nurse in the 1980’s! Not quite a wringer washer but close ๐Ÿ™‚ Once you get into the rhythm it is quite pleasant task.

Today we saw MONKEYS!!!! Pica not sure about them at all! Will post about that tomorrow! ๐Ÿ™‚