Our first day….

We were all awake by 5am! Technically as our bodies still on Newfoundland time we slept in 🙂

Though still feeling a little “foggy” we wanted to get going, so unpacked, put everything away, all the pictures and knick knacks up, and now it feels really like our home! Luca loves his room, best room he has ever had apparently. A good start indeed!

We knew we needed to walk into town and do a grocery shop, but first we went for a jungle hike which is right off our back yard, I am looking out into it as I write this. It is great for wildlife spotting! They run night tours through here at night and I can see certainly why.

Luca and Pica were eager to explore and so we did….

then had some down time, before heading off to town.

The first grocery shop when you move is always tough,getting all those basic essentials, but even tougher when you have no idea where anything is, can’t read the language, it is really hot and you are walking carrying everything up and down very steep hills! It took us the entire rest of day to find and buy things, just simple things, it took us over an hour to find salt, the aisle is now burned into Rich’s memory 🙂 ! We also needed money,it is a cash society, the first bank would not take our card, the second would only take visa, and finally we found a random bank machine, in a random shop that worked, it will be our “go to” in the future. The up side being, now we know where to go, so, as my husband would say “it’s all good” 🙂

Needless to say by the time we got home we were all exhausted, in bed and asleep before 8pm, but it was a productive day.

Today Rich has headed off into town again to buy a few supplies for a typical Tico meal he wants to make, and Luca, Pica and I off into the jungle again, until next time……